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Included in Build Additional Custom Character Portraits

Pieter Boelen

Navigation Officer
Storm Modder
Hearts of Oak Donator
It occurred to me, partly thanks to @Talisman's updates to the New Horizons Characters | PiratesAhoy! page,
that it may be quite nice to give some more characters custom portraits.
The following spring to mind:
- Laurens de Graaf painting: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/49/Graff_Lorens.jpg/220px-Graff_Lorens.jpg
- John Paul Jones paintings:
http://www.navysna.org/awards/Award Pictures/John_Paul_Jones.jpg
Or perhaps a still from the 1959 movie?
- Jean Lafitte:
- Maybe some of Sharpe's individual riflemen based on the TV series as well?

Just some thoughts. And of course I was wondering if anyone might be up for making those portraits. :cheeky
Don't bother with Laurens de Graaf, I've already done him. I've assigned "face568" to be his interface portraits. @Levis wants me to zip up all my stuff into one file so de Graaf's portrait, based on a larger version of the one in the above link, will be included in that. So provided you add "face568" to "pictures.ini" along with whatever you're using for Jones and Lafitte, it should all work together.
For the portrait numbering, if you can use some of the gaps left by the currently available portraits, that might be better.
I think increasing the size of INI files can have the effect of "the game forgetting about some of the stuff in there".
We had that problem with sounds where sounds that were fully correctly set up were never being played because there was "too much". :facepalm
There's an even easier solution for Laurens de Graaf. At present he uses face566. Nothing else does. So all I need to do is rename my portraits to be face566 instead of face568.

There is one slight problem, though.

de_graaf_256.jpg de_graaf_new.jpg

The one on the left is the current face566 and therefore presumably the current Laurens de Graaf. The one on the right is the portrait we were planning to use. It might be nice if the portrait looks at least vaguely similar to the character you're playing. xD
The current Laurens de Graaf looks a bit strange - the "Elizabethan ruff" around his neck makes him look more like Francis Drake ( i.e. 1580 - 1600s ) rather than someone from the

late 17th century ( 1680-1700s ).

@Jack Rackham did his best on that skin, I know. He's got the same pendant that that Laurens on the painting does. :onya

That model was probably the closest one he could find to the portrait. It's got a collar of some sorts and almost the right hat too.
He's a bit more colourful though, since that painting seems to be mostly black-and-white. I like the current PotC version fine. :cheeky
Then the only two true Dutch characters would use the same model? May not be so great for variety.

Also, I didn't suggest this to get @Jack Rackham to redo the custom skin he already did; just the portrait would be enough in my book.
If somebody does want to make another Laurens de Graaf, I reckon the current one should be put to good use somewhere as well.
It is a nice skin one way or another. :yes
It might be nice if the portrait looks at least vaguely similar to the character you're playing.
I agree. So...

If we accept the current de Graff model maybe it's best not to use the painting as his portrait.

On the other hand if the real painting of de Graff is most important we need another model.
Which I'm not going to do.
As far as I'm concerned, the character DOES look like the painting.
At least you can see he was inspired by it. I have no wish of being picky here. :no
I was not suggesting that someone should go to the trouble of making a new model. :no

Just that the current model is perhaps not the best option we have available - as far as the clothing is concerned.

Personally I think Soldier_Per4 or pir_cap8 models look better and are clothed more appropriately for the period.


But it is all a matter of personal taste.



  • Soldier_Per4.JPG
    176.3 KB · Views: 274
  • pir_cap8.JPG
    170.4 KB · Views: 256
@Talisman, I know the clothing is too early - renaissance. I wanted to make an upper class/snob and liked the combination head/body.
pir_cap8 is not a bad alternative. Could be retextured a little: dark sleeves, additonal collar, something blue as well.