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Mod Release Age of Pirates: Caribbean Tales - Historical Immersion Supermod


Storm Modder
Let me introduce myself::ahoy
I am Modder01

I have modded AOP in the past and now since my old computer crashed I am now trying to get AOP:CT into a functional state again.

I have been able to bypass starforce :cheers, but I haven't been able to get more historical. I wasn't really satisfied with the Supermod because it didn't feel as realistic as the stock game.

In the works on my front is a an addition to the old supermod that adds realism in sounds/fx, new ships, etc:

Mod Content:


- 9 New Ships Added:

· Light Sloop - fast modestly armed military vessel. (one mast)

· Sloop Of War - fast heavily armed military ship. (two mast)

· Xebec - fast heavily armed military ship. (three mast lateen rig)

· Barquentine - Lighter Barque with good cargo capacity. (three mast square rig)

· Grand Caravel - Outdated Trader Ship, but good mileage and durability. (three mast square)

· Brig- Royal Navy Variant. (three mast square/lateen rig)

· Light Frigate - Fast and modestly armed frigate. (three mast square/lateen rig)

· Heavy Frigate - Decently fast and heavily armed frigate. (three mast square/lateen rig)

· Replaced the stock Lineship with a new model. (three mast square/lateen rig)

- Ships statistics have been rebalanced to accommodate the new ships.

- All ships now have historically accurate cannons.


· Made five new different sound schemes based on the old version of mod (Original, Mod Content, Epic Music, All Music, No Music). NOTE: Mod Content will be the default scheme. A "Music Options Key" text document will tell you which scheme equals which labeled button (trust me you'll need it).

· Added unique sounds to cannon fire {Small (8-12pdr), Medium(16-24pdr), Large(36-48pdr), Mortar (92pdr)}.

· Re-mastered "cannon reload" (Left, Right, All) and "reload cannon with ___ shot" sounds for historical accuracy. Courtesy of Age of Sail II: Privateer's Bounty.


· Logo Videos Return (1C Logo Removed, Akella Logo given sound, Playlogic Logo)

· Added new videos (PiratesAhoy.net Logo and Mod Intro)

· Changed order of videos in Seadogs.c to accommodate 4 videos (Playlogic, Akella, Pirates Ahoy, Mod Intro)


· Waste Gold at Brothel - Visual content removed.

· Use the bank and take on debt.

· New cheat (bestglass) for exquisite spyglass.

Game/Bug Fixes:

· Some English Showing in Russian.

· All Patches up to 1.5 added to the supermod.


· Danny2007 for patch combination and language bug fixes.

· CyberOps for Abilities column and Brig (royal navy).

· Captain Blackfleet for source EXE for sound scheme changer.

· Modder01 for new videos, new music, new sounds, new ships, historical accuracy, ship balancing and code fixes.

NOTE: Add credit, when applicable, to any person who adds to this mod.


Mod Link (v4.0):
Age of Pirates: Historical Immersion Supermod

Note: You will need a archive program such as 7-Zip, WinRar, etc to unpack the 7z file.

Extract the archive into a temporary folder and copy the folder named "Age of Pirates: Caribbean Tales" and merge that folder with the one contained in the following directory:
for 64 bit OS - C:/Program Files (x86)/Playlogic
for 32 bit OS - C:/Program Files/Playlogic

Run the Game and Enjoy!
Please post your feedback and bug reports here! :doff

EDIT: Since 2/4/18 the game has received a massive upgrade to version 5.0
details are here:
AoP: Historical Immersion Mod v5.0 (Standalone) for Age of Pirates: Caribbean Tales
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Welcome to the forum, mate! Your modding work sure sounds interesting.
I've never really played AoP myself, modded or unmodded, so this might be a silly suggestion.
Would it be possible for you to take the good parts of the Supermod, but add your improvements to it as well?
Get the best of both worlds, so to say? Then you could release that as a new modpack for AoP for people to try.
Perhaps then we can even get rid of the old Supermod. That was never really "our" work anyway.
Thanks Pieter, I have a file in the link I provided in my first post that includes the files already modded and the debug folder which includes the "bad files". What happens is that the game gives me a runtime error when i include the new common.ini file. It says User Rised Exception .\Sources\ifs.cpp line 856 buffer size too small.

Actually your suggestion does sound a little less demanding. I have an idea, but you will have to do the .exe for it if we do decide to go that route.

If we are going to work on the old Supermod here is what I want to change:

What I want removed:
The Brothel Interface (too graphic for some people):8q
The Man near the docks that gives you all the interfaces (shipwright, Tavern, etc) without traveling to those places.:boom:
Brig_RN (Ship that serves no purpose):bonaparte
All of the sound files.
Remove the line of code that prevents the game from playing the intro videos like "Akella_Logo.wmv". :rumgone

What I want added:
My cannons_init.c:pirate41:
My Sounds and music with my sound_alias.ini and music_alias.ini files.
My modded Videos
New ships properly added with the values taken from the ships_init.c and the descriptions and names from the common.ini file in the Debug Folder.:sail

In the file that I have linked in my first post, it has everything needed for the adding to the mod except the values for the light brig in ships_init.c.:facepalm

What I did is I took the values directly from the COAS mod and then took the median price and hull HP between the ship before and after the ship in question and entered the values.

P.S. I also included the Models and Textures for Each Ship.
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At the moment I am working at sea and don't have any time for much of anything.
However, if you can get your files set up, I can definitely make an EXE installer out of it when I get back home in a few months.
In the meantime, I'd recommend using WinMerge to see the differences between the Supermod and unmodded files so you can exclude what you don't like.
Your ideas all sound like improvements to me, so I'd definitely welcome it! :cheers
At the moment I am working at sea and don't have any time for much of anything.
However, if you can get your files set up, I can definitely make an EXE installer out of it when I get back home in a few months.
In the meantime, I'd recommend using WinMerge to see the differences between the Supermod and unmodded files so you can exclude what you don't like.
Your ideas all sound like improvements to me, so I'd definitely welcome it! :cheers

Ill install Win Merge, download the old mod and get started.

When the changes are made I'll compile it and start running tests. I'll post a preview video on Youtube when the improvements are done.

When it is ready I will also post a .7z file containing the mod for conversion to an .exe installer in the dropbox folder that I have linked in my first post.

I will make this work for the good of the community!

Here's a status update.:ahoy

Mod Status: Nearly Complete :woot

:nerbzWhat I've Done:
~Fixed Intro Videos not displaying (Seadogs and Seadogs_test) and added the files to the Supermod.:keith
~Revamped Cannon system in ships_init.c (manowar carries 48 pdrs max caliber now instead of mortars).:pirate41:
~Added correct cannon sounds for each cannon (Cannons_init.c):boom:
~Added Cannon Sounds and linked them in sounds_alias.ini
~Fixed sounds not playing for pistol firing action.:guns:
~Filtered Music and linked 5 different music_alias schemes.:wp
~Renamed AOP SuperMod (music _alias scheme options executable) and added a key (Original = Original AOP Music, MC = Epic Music, POTC = Mod Content, K3 = All Music, CptBlackfleet: No Music)
~Removed Brothel Videos (brothel interface is still accessable though:shrug)

:checklistWhat I Need to Do:
~Add 9 new ships
~Play test all Ships to balance them in values and price

~Upload and Embed a preview video of the mod for the Community! :cheers
~Upload Mod to Dropbox. To be converted to .exe installer and to be uploaded to ModDB.

Most Important!:dance
Mod is under a new title:

Age of Pirates: Caribbean Tales

Historical Immersion Mod
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AoP was greatness... Honestly I think I prefer it vs COAS but I'm on the fence :p
That does sound great! And good call on the new title too. :woot
~Removed Brothel Videos (brothel interface is still accessable though:shrug)

Wait. AoP had Brothel videos??? why does that not ring a bell AT ALL?
PG-13 AT MOST I hope?
I've never seen it. :shrug

I've seen it and the videos are borderline rated R so even though the interface is still there, the explicit (illegal content) has been removed.

Oh and talking about the mod again, I am trying to get the sound files from an old Windows 98/Me/2000/XP game called Privateer's Bounty: Age of Sail II and found the files I was looking for. I managed before the crash on the old computer to install it however with the crash the sound files I modified (very accurate I might add) for AOP were deleted and never recovered. These sounds will indicate the Shipcharge (notifies when guns are ready on starboard/larboard and when all guns are ready when loading another type of shot). I will soon submit the Modified Intro Video for your video viewing pleasure while I do the ships.:onya

One more thing, I have decided to leave what the game calls the "Welcomer" in each port of call because its bloody hard tracking down the root links to where the guy comes from. I plan to change things in what he says so it's a little more historical to the period.
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I mean I never tried the supermod. I played AoP back before I trusted mods.

I mean I don't want to sound perverted but It just caught my attention as a shock factor because I never heard of a mod adding erotic stuff to one of these pirate games lol
Shipcharge sound optomization complete. cannon reload voices are more historically accurate and the "Welcomer" text is easier to read and follows (somewhat) of Old/Middle English dialect of the 16th-17th centuries.

I will start adding the ships soon! :doff

Lineship modification done
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I mean I don't want to sound perverted but It just caught my attention as a shock factor because I never heard of a mod adding erotic stuff to one of these pirate games lol
The Supermod was the work of one person alone who was a bit of a weird character indeed.
If it were up to me, stuff like that most definitely wouldn't have been added.
Though we do have a toggleable Brothel mod in PotC, it is not visual and meant more as a joke than anything else.
Unfortunately I've hit a snag. I put in the first ship and moved the brig_rn to a different place and everything in the shipyard interface displays until the brig_rn then the interface doesn't load the other ships. then there is a stack error in error log and the music is gone. I'm going to try putting the brig back where it was then adding the new ship. this is just getting wierder as i try to get the new ships in. I succeeded in modifying the Lineship though.....:modding

I'm going to refresh the test game folder by copying the game from its root directory.

EDIT: Nope Still Doesn't Work!

Now it doesn't even play the videos. While loading the videos it crashes to the desktop saying:
This application has asked Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way. Please contact the application's support team for more info.

I have also tried to add all of the ships at once and our old runtime error friend pops up and the system.txt says:

User Rised Exception
.\Sources\ifs.cpp line 856
buffer size too small

If I could pass this error probably the game would run smoothly.

I believe that the buffer size of Common.ini is the problem, However I don't know where to change the buffer size. I've tried locating ifs.cpp and its not on the computer. I've tried looking for the thing I need to change (#BUFFSIZE =) in the game files and haven't found it yet.

Error log is blank.
system.txt displays the message.

Init encounters complete.
Init weathers complete. 30 weathers found.

Scanning modules\
Loading modules...
Loaded 0
Initializing CORE...
Creating atoms space: 128
initializing complete
Initializing DirectX 8
Techniques: 20 shaders compiled.
Techniques: 211 techniques compiled.
Techniques: compiled by 305711934 ticks.
User Rised Exception
.\Sources\ifs.cpp line 856
buffer size too small

Please Help!
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Are the numbers in ships.h all matching up? If I recall, that is required for AoP and CoAS.
Are the numbers in ships.h all matching up? If I recall, that is required for AoP and CoAS.

Here's my current codes!

I did nothing to the Battleinterface.c because I had trouble with it before.


  • Ships_init.c
    66.5 KB · Views: 693
  • ships.h
    1 KB · Views: 603
  • common.ini
    90.4 KB · Views: 636