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That square is neat. Add a few venders, bunch of NPC's walking and some soldiers standing by the doors and you got yourself a very active spot!
To Jack Rackham:

I tested the walk file and except some pavements and stairs we can almost walk everywhere on the location.
About the pavement, it won’t stop from making locators to open some buildings.
About the stairs, the most important one, you can see in front of the Church, perfectly works.
There is no reason so as not to add this location to Cartagena.


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When making a passage through the cloister to a quest location it ended up with a complete ugrade of the location:

The surrounding grass area was very empty so I added trees and hedgerows to make it a garden.
There were stops in the walkfile. Here I added some fences.
New gatedoor to the town that looks like the one on the other side,
Open doors to the inner yard. These also covers the end of the walls which are very thin,
A tree and benches in the inner yard.
Managed to make a new walkfile for at least one of the corridors. Only quest use.
Closed a strange opening in the surrounding building. Made it a chapel.
Added some other extra stuff like carts, ladder etc.
Changed the soundtypes:
Outer garden: voices from the town but no music,
Inner yard and corridor: insects and birds only.
There is also a quest exit which caused all this.


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Great work Jack !:woot
For the Elting quest, I had a new cloister model. Maybe, I could adapt the quest in order to use both models. Two cloisters for a big city like Cartagena is not too much anyway ;)
After I had added the tree to the inner yard I found this picture.

@Bartolomeu: where is the new cloister location going to be placed in Cartagena? If you want to use the old
one as a passage (like I have done) maybe I could help with another exit.


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Except that.... there are ZERO elsewhere in the entire Caribbean! :rofl
But, my new cloister is a reproduction of a cloister that exists in Cartagena. I cannot install it elsewhere in the Caribbean.

To @Jack Rackham : "Adding" a new door from the Governor's townhall garden could be a good idea :yes instead of installing the new cloister just next to the old one.
No worries; it's fine. :doff

I just find it amusing to have two of them in Cartagena and zero anywhere else.
Doesn't really matter though. No need to have them if they aren't used. ;)
Cartagena is also the only place in the game with two taverns, one of which sells bottles of wine. Someone has to be supplying it. xD

It wouldn't be the first alcohol from a church-related source. The monks of the Holy Island of Lindisfarne produced mead. (There aren't any monks on Lindisfarne any more but the mead is still produced by a local winery.)