• New Horizons on Maelstrom
    Maelstrom New Horizons

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Couple of Questions

At the moment I've got it working as I think it was once intended. As in: you get a -1 reputation loss and that's it.
The fact that you were locked out from ever doing those quests again was an actual bug and never intentional.

Apparently as per the original intention, you got to KEEP the cargo you failed to delivery. That didn't seem fair to me, so now I have the trader take the cargo off your hands.
If you feel like a bigger penalty is in order, let me know what you think would be fair and I can probably set that up.
Yep, there are. Mainly the fact that you don't get paid and don't gain experience. The -1 rep loss isn't too bad though. :cheeky
Yes that is very mild, especially since a lower reputation is no big deal unless one falls below Bloke.

What happens if you fail a trade mission from Tortuga? :nerbz
What happens if you fail a trade mission from Tortuga? :nerbz
No difference. They're all the same.
For now, I mainly care with getting the system working and reasonable; we can make it fancier as required once the basics are working.
1. Is there any place to build buildings properly cuz there is very few flat space and the buildings usually have noclip. So is there any use to them?
2. Can u still capture colonies for yourself? Cuz i captured one some time ago but i could only choose a nation as a new government (but i was working for one of them so im not quite sure whetver that affected it). But in the colonies menu theres still the option "Manage"
3. Why do British Soldiers in Fort even attack me (as soon as i speak with them) when im Commodore???
4. How do i use the Steam Engines on Steam Ships? Cuz they need some sort of Fuel
5. Whats it about the Eras? Cuz im currently in FreePlay 1815 and im wondering if there's still going to be any progress
6. Is it normal that american fleets have (not all of them) 4 Tier 1 Battleships??? (Maybe its affected by my Level 30 if so how can i turn it off?)
7. Is there any unique Loot in Dungeons?
8. Why is there nothing on Isla Mona and Petit Tabac ??
9. Do my Officers use the special abilites of unique ships when commanding them?
Sorry but i couldnt find the answer to these questions ingame... Thx in advance :read
Steamships need planks for fuel, buy a bunch of them in a store and it should do. It's recommended to use the engines only if there's really the need though.
1. Jungles and shores are the best place. The buildings are a bit odd, but talking to their occupants gives all sorts of gameplay options.

2. You can, but that part of the mod is known to be unfinished and buggy. And actual Colony Management has never been written.

3. You're not supposed to be in the fort! I suppose the army doesn't like the navy all that much.

4. They use planks as fuel; if you use Auto Buy, you'll always have that on-board anyway for emergency repairs.

5. The periods don't change during the story; just different stories are set in different time periods.

6. Check your Options>Difficulty menu. Make sure the text says that you will be notified of ALL sightings.
It could be unintentional though. So we would welcome your feedback here: http://www.piratesahoy.net/threads/ship-encounter-chances-correction.17815/

7. Some dungeons have a special item lying around.

8. Isla Mona was added for the Assassin storyline and is used only there. Petit Tabac was an old requirement for the DirectSail mod,
but does see use during the Silver Train sidequest in the Standard and Bartolomeu storylines, as well as the Jack Sparrow storyline.

9. No, they don't.
To be honest Answer 7. is the only one i was happy about. Well if u need suggestions for improving the mod. I have a ton. But since you seem to be short on modders i wont suggest anything.
Here's some more for ya then:

1. What else do you want? The game engine doesn't exactly support building the way this mod does.
Will you believe those buildings are actually blades and guns? Those are the crazy lengths we had to go to to make that work.
If you know of a better way to do it, I'd quite like to know. I once tried something "better" and that didn't work.

2. Can't do everything at once. Especially not if the main coder at the moment (apparently me) is NOT a programmer at all.
I'm a seafarer, for crying out loud! And I find I'm cleaning up rather a lot of messy things that we all keep running into left, right and centre.
But we've been fixing problems at a higher rate these past two months than for a long, long time in the past several years.

3. Let me put it this way: If they wouldn't fight you, that defeats the purpose of those forts being there in the first place.
You can talk to those rich citizens there for all sorts of loot, but that that NEEDS to be a challenge, no?
Only "sensible" solution I can think of is to lock the forts altogether once gain a LoM.

4. What else should the steamships consume? Ideally coal, yes. But who is going to add that into the game?
As with so many other things, nothing happens if nobody does it. And I can't do everything.
I already got near-perfect wind-independent steamships working in a game that wasn't even remotely made for that.
Good enough for me. Until such time that everything else is up to speed.

5. We did that for simplicity's sake. Making things change during the game is a LOT more work and you'd have a hard time even noticing it unless you play for a REALLY long time.

6. As said: In progress. For some reason, that code is doing stuff that we don't quite understand.
For example, today I find myself trying to fix the Quest Ship classes. That tries to generate Tier 1 pirate ships, which is NOT supposed to happen!

8. What would you want to do there? We could open them up, but there'd be nothing there.
There will only be something if somebody adds it.

9. I'm already WELL impressed by how well we managed to make those special abilities work at all.
Adding them into AI code is going several steps further in making things complicated.
I like the idea, sure enough. But as much as I'd like to add new stuff, I can't do so while the old stuff doesn't do what we want it to.

Long story short: VERY few modders + lots of work to be done = not easy. If more people join in, we can get more done.
We're not lacking for ideas, that's for certain. But moving from ideas to reality is a big, big step. :shrug

(And just in case the above sounds a bit annoyed, be assured that is not annoyance at you.
But it IS annoyance at the fact that all I seem to do is to fix stuff these days.
I don't WANT to do that; it's FRUSTRATING. But who ELSE is going to do it??? :modding )
Oh! Have you talked to a crewmember on your ship's deck yet and told him you need an escort ashore?
That enables all sorts of new random stuff ashore too.
Ok i want to make this clear: What you have already made out of this game and achieved is insanely good and i really like it alot. Its not like im whining all the time about those few problems those were just things i didnt really understand. I would really like to help modding the game but i have absolutely no knowledge about modding at all. I did sound very demanding which was never intended especially because its a free mod but its amazing how you still stayed so calm and tried to help :onya Most modders are really short tempered and cant stand such questions.
its amazing how you still stayed so calm and tried to help :onya Most modders are really short tempered and cant stand such questions.
Actually, I was a bit short-tempered yesterday, which was definitely not intentional. The game code was just frustrating the crap out of me! :shock
Anyway, by all means, DO feel free to post your thoughts. Can't make any promises that we will do anything with them soon, but you never do know! ;)

I would really like to help modding the game but i have absolutely no knowledge about modding at all.
Wanting to help is all you need; you can learn everything else. We all started out not knowing how to do this stuff.
Look at me, I'm no programmer but I managed to fix some stuff recently that some real programmers hadn't been able to for several years.
So you never know how far you can come! As long as you have the will to give it a try. And we're all here to help each other. :cheers
Wanting to help is all you need; you can learn everything else. We all started out not knowing how to do this stuff.
Look at me, I'm no programmer but I managed to fix some stuff recently that some real programmers hadn't been able to for several years.
So you never know how far you can come! As long as you have the will to give it a try. And we're all here to help each other. :cheers
But i dont understand anything about the game, the code, the files... How did u learn all that?

Some Suggestions (Which would requiere more Modders/Time):
-Make the unique ships obtainable only through questlines
-Make really strong items unique and hide them somewhere to support exploration
-Give the Player an own Port and stuff for upgrading it
-Add the special abilites of ships commanded by your officers to the order menu in sea battles
-Add alot more sidequests to bring more variety to the game
But i dont understand anything about the game, the code, the files... How did u learn all that?
By doing it and starting small..

Some Suggestions (Which would requiere more Modders/Time):
Let's see then:

-Make the unique ships obtainable only through questlines
The Vanderdecken ships you mean? Well, most of them ARE available through questlines.
But some people want to be able to get them whenever, which is why we also made them available for purchase.
That way people don't need to edit the game code and it technically isn't quite a cheat either.

-Make really strong items unique and hide them somewhere to support exploration
There are lots of unique weapons, but I don't think any of the hidden items are unique. Well, unless you count the one kept by Clint Eastwood and Toff Oremans. :wp
These are all the unique weapons currently in the game, along with their uses:
    case "blade18":  isUnique = true;        break;  // Saber of Nicholas Sharp    - Quest only blade
    case "blade24":  isUnique = true;        break;  // English Officer's Saber    - English presentation blade
    case "blade22":  isUnique = true;        break;  // Corsair's Pride            - English presentation blade
    case "blade23":  isUnique = true;        break;  // Dutch Admiralty Sword      - Dutch presentation blade
    case "blade26":  isUnique = true;        break;  // Solingen Rapier            - Dutch presentation blade
    case "blade9":    isUnique = true;        break;  // French Admiralty Rapier    - French presentation blade
    case "blade25":  isUnique = true;        break;  // French Nobility Sword      - French presentation blade
    case "blade33":  isUnique = true;        break;  // Moorish Saber              - Spanish presentation blade
    case "blade14":  isUnique = true;        break;  // Spanish Nobility Longsword - Spanish presentation blade
    case "blade29":  isUnique = true;        break;  // Portugese Officer's Sword  - Portugese presentation blade
    case "blade32":  isUnique = true;        break;  // Damascus Shamshir          - Portugese presentation blade
    case "blade43":  isUnique = true;        break;  // US Cavalry Saber          - American presentation blade
    case "blade34":  isUnique = true;        break;  // Dragon's Head              - Pirate special blade
    case "pistol10":  isUnique = true;        break;  // Shotgun

-Give the Player an own Port and stuff for upgrading it
Once we've gotten further with the bugs in the game, we'll certainly be doing what we can to fix the Capture Colonies mod.
Not sure if anyone would ever make a way to manage your colonies, but it'd be a big step in the right direction nonetheless.

-Add the special abilites of ships commanded by your officers to the order menu in sea battles
Interesting idea. Let's see which special abilities we have and what possibilities that might give:
    > Cursed Flying Dutchman:      - Can sail into the wind
                                  - Can submerge/emerge, control in [Enter] menu (NOTE: Game was not made to support submarines, so this has some weird effects)
                                  - Summon the Kraken on enemy ships, control in [Enter] menu (Note: time limit enforced on this)
                                    Kraken Attack number of tentacles decreased by Pieter Boelen
    > Cursed Black Pearl:          - Run Out the Sweeps temporary speed burst, control in [Enter] menu (Note: time limit enforced on this)
                                  - Fog trailing the ship wherever you go
    > Queen Anne's Revenge:        - Sword of Triton temporary speed burst, control in [Enter] menu (Note: time limit enforced on this)
                                  - Greek Fire instead of regular bow chasers can set target ships aflame
    > Steam Frigates:              - Engine requires fuel (planks)
                                  - Engine loses efficiency based on hull damage
The only ones REALLY not used by AI ships are:
- Summon the Kraken
- Submerge/Emerge Dutchman
- Run Out the Sweeps
- Sword of Triton

It might not be too difficult to allow the player access to the Summon Kraken button if the Dutchman is part of your fleet, but not the ship you command yourself.
That should be fairly doable.

So that leaves only the temporary speed bursts from Run Out the Sweeps and Sword of Triton, as well as the Submerge/Emerge functionality.
Not sure if those would offer much use for AI ships. I even wonder if even the players ever find a use for them. o_O

-Add alot more sidequests to bring more variety to the game
That is a great thing for beginning modders to work on. As I said, Don Lasagnetti also learned to do it and finished 14 in a month.
Other easy projects are:
It might not be too difficult to allow the player access to the Summon Kraken button if the Dutchman is part of your fleet, but not the ship you command yourself.
That should be fairly doable.
Fairly doable indeed! Extract attached to your PROGRAM folder and you will gain access to the Summon Kraken button if the cursed Flying Dutchman is in your fleet, even if you don't command her yourself.


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So i would be interested in adding more sidequests but i dont know anything about them. Which files are important? Can i just add more things? Do i need a special program for that?
There are a lot of sidequests already in the Standard storyline, so the idea is to just copy them into a Free Play story.
See here for all the ones that are available: http://www.piratesahoy.net/wiki/original-story-tales-of-a-sea-hawk/
Select one that hasn't been copied yet, preferably one that is short to start out with.

This is where the existing Standard main and sidequests are:

Most important files:
PROGRAM\Storyline\standard\characters\init - this is where all required characters are stored
PROGRAM\Storyline\standard\quests\quests_reaction.c - this is where the quest cases are
PROGRAM\Storyline\standard\DIALOGS - dialog files
RESOURCE\INI\TEXTS\ENGLISH\Storyline\standard\QUESTBOOK for the questbook entries
There are also quest location and item files, but simple quests don't use those.

When we move the sidequests into a Free Play story, we put the code into slightly different files to make it easier to copy them to other storylines in the future.
PROGRAM\Storyline\JeanLafitte\characters\init\SideQuest.c - for ALL sidequest characters
PROGRAM\Storyline\JeanLafitte\quests\both_reaction.c - for the sidequest cases

The only program you need is Notepad that comes standard with Windows. Though Notepad++ is a bit easier to use:
Ok ill do my best. And how do i create new quests? Is that possible? If so it would probably requiere some time to learn it. Do i have to start a new game to test quests?