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Engine Limitation Graphical Anomalies


I've played PotC: New Horizons on and off throughout the years on different PCs, but have always had one persistent issue. I'm sure it's been reported before, although I'm not certain of my abilities to find whether or not a fix has been supplied. I've ran a couple quick searches using the keywords graphic & glitch, but have turned up empty handed.

The Issue: Graphical issues when sailing in third and first person at sea. These glitches start and stop seemingly randomly and persist until I exit from the sailing mode. I'll post a screenshot or two and my log files to supplement my cause.

Relevant PC specs: Intel Core i7 4770K @ 3500 MHz, x2 SLI Nvidia GeForce GTX 770 4GB, 8GB G.SKILL RAM @ 1800 MHz

As I said, this issue has happened on multiple PCs, even on laptops, as such I don't believe it is attributed to my SLI setup.

Thank you for your time.

ENGINE 2014-03-30 06-05-45-106.jpg ENGINE 2014-03-30 06-10-08-717.jpg


  • system.log
    4.9 KB · Views: 272
  • compile.log
    9.1 KB · Views: 259
Pretty sure that is the Graphical Anomalies problem that we suspect is caused by the Different Flags mod.
We have tried to fix it MANY times and the chance of it happening should be less with the latest releases.
But we never did fully figure it out. :modding
Wow! Thanks for the incredibly quick responses. I'll take a look at that link.

EDIT: I believe I actually remember reading something about the anomalies from the Different Flags mod. I'm curious about how many people experience this issue or how frequently. On my part, it has always seemed to increase in frequency with the age of my save game, eventually arriving at a point where I cannot sail out without having the issue.
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What do you mean by the age of your save game? Everyone should save often, as in every time you step on a dock whether coming or going.

Overall, the Graphic Anomalies are caused when a ship somewhere loses a mast. The game has been adjusted so that the only time a ship loses a mast is in combat, so if you are getting the GA then there are ships fighting somewhere.
If you can not see them, then they might be on the other side of the island.
I see, the more I pay attention I realize that it is indeed attributed to the loss of a ships mast. I purposely set out to test that and every time I blew off a mast, the horrendous anomalies began. Thank you for confirming the source of the issue, as such I can do my best to attempt to avoid it altogether.

On another note, is there any known reason as to why this happens, specifically? Or even exactly what is happening, for that matter?
It is something related to Different Flags, but we don't know how or why.
Fact is that the game engine was never made to support that functionality, so the way it has been accomplished is really very complex.
maybe you can give me some pointers as how that is accomplised or show a thread where its described. then I might be able to look into this one day.
You could read this thread.

Basically we worked for years trying to fix it and just gave up. Build 13 does not have the GA and Build 14 does. It is somehow related to the flags when a ship loses a mast. Personally methinks the flag persists after the mast it was attached to disappears and floats around causing problems. But, I have been wrong before.
Basically we worked for years trying to fix it and just gave up. Build 13 does not have the GA and Build 14 does. It is somehow related to the flags when a ship loses a mast. Personally methinks the flag persists after the mast it was attached to disappears and floats around causing problems. But, I have been wrong before.
That sounds like a reasonable assumption, actually.

maybe you can give me some pointers as how that is accomplised or show a thread where its described. then I might be able to look into this one day.
The main involved file is PROGRAM\Flags.c, but it does have parts all over the place.
Pirate_KK was working on rewriting that code to hopefully reduce this, but the rewrite wasn't entirely finished and had worse problems then the current version.
I think I've still got it on my computer though. Could probably WinMerge it to Beta 2.3 WIP and perhaps you could look at it.

As it is though, it is an annoying problem at times, but we've lives with it for many, many years.
There are bigger fish to fry. :shrug
I have had this experience eversince I started playing New Horizons.. on all builds the screen somehow turns grayish with flashing.. mainly it happens during sea battles (particularly ones with 2+ fleets); however now is the first time I see it occurring on deck while I boarded.

Generally it flashes very fast .. sometimes in right side of the screen, sometimes left.. sometimes quarter of the screen on right/left.. but when the situation on the sea battle is settled .. the flash becomes slower.

Has anyone run by this issue before?
Oh yes exact same problem; I assume it's still not 100% fixed by now?
But I was in Holland flag when it last happened.

I will try to pay more attention to which exact flags this GA occurs and will post on that other thread. Thanks for the response.
Some small changes were made involving the Different Flags mod which may affect graphic anomalies.
So please keep an eye out for them with the latest update and post your compile.log file here if you still notice any.
Has anyone seen this effect recently? Be sure to keep an eye out for it and report here if it still happens!
It happens a lot as in every day with me. Every battle anywhere still delivers GA.