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    Maelstrom New Horizons

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Grey Roger

Sea Dog
Staff member
Storm Modder
I've had a lot of luck in my current campaign on the "Assassin" storyline, and I doubt it's anything to do with "Luck" skill.

The first piece of luck was when I talked to the Havana tavern keeper to try to get an escort mission in order to unlock "Basic Commerce", preferably to a destination convenient for the storyline mission. There was a merchant who wanted to go to La Tortue. Perfect - this was at the start of the "Worm in the Apple" section, meaning I had to go to La Tortue anyway. :)

Somewhat later, on the hunt for Roche Brasilliano, I'd started at Curacao, searched the two nearby Dutch islands and drawn a blank, then decided to head for Eleuthera. Partly because, being in the northwest corner, it was a good start point for a systematic search of the whole archipelago, and partly because I could then clear an outdated shipyard fetch quest. Brasilliano was at Eleuthera too. :)

The vice admiral wants Brasilliano to hang around for a while, meanwhile he won't be needing me for a month so I'm to go off and have fun, preferably at the expense of Spain's enemies. The Dutch put in one of their rare appearances on the worldmap, with warships in battle against a Portuguese patrol, and since Spain, Portugal and Holland all hate each other, this was the proverbial target rich environment. Part way through capturing three enemy ships and looting and sinking another three, I picked up a naughty coin. Normally that's grounds for an immediate reload, but this time I was well into a battle and didn't want to lose progress. Besides, if I have to go to Isla de Muerte, this point in the story where I'm not actively on a mission is as good a time as I'll get. Especially since the nearest port after leaving the battle was Cayman, also a nice place from which to head to Isla de Muerte. The coin couldn't have picked a better time to show up. :)