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modifying the rumors

uh... lemme see. there's 4 new rumors regarding directsail, there's a new one on cuba referring to the isla de meurte, i fixed a rumor referring to the cave in oxbay port (it now indicates the proper town) and one you can only find on oxbay which used to refer to a pirate island down south (which obviously doesn't exist) and now refers to turk island or tortuga, depending on interpretation.

the pappenheimer rapier has a new discription, the swept hilt rapier has a discription now, one of the falchions has been changed into a machete, and i changed a crapton if item names, including the bottle of wine, armor sets, bags of gold and some of the skillbonus items. and a few more that i can't remember.
this is bizarre. while my modifications to the discriptions and item name changes have worked (with varying success, i might add. they don't all fit as well as i thought), the rumor mod doesn't. all the files have been replaced as intended, but the game still uses the old, now supposedly non-existent dialogue. which i repeat, should no longer exist. :blink:
that might be it, but pistoff didn't see anything new either. i've had this with soundtracks too sometimes. speaking of which, did the portugese track get replaced again in the patch? it's getting kinda annoying to try to unsuccesfully replace that one with my own.
I haven't touched the music files in the Patches for quite a while. :shock
I have noticed the changes to the weapons and objects. As far as rumors go, all the islands have their proper names now. Since I never paid attention to them before I don't know if they have been like that for a while or not.
I'm using a Pappenhiemer rapier now. I like the description of the Swept Hilt rapier because I carry a small sword on the left and a poignard on the right at the festival. That is the most effective and difficult fighting style.

I'm still using your music pack but haven't taken the time to clean out the old stuff yet. This install was just created last night.
Quite funny actually that you made a new description for the Swept Hilt Rapier; I did the same literally two days ago.
I noticed it didn't have one while putting Bartolomeu's new weapons in my game.
So for aaaages nobody changes it and then two people change it pretty much at the same time. :rofl

This is the one I had come up with:
This type of rapier made its appearance in the early 1650's in Spain and enjoyed popularity in Spain and Southern Italy until the early 1700's.
Literally copied from the internet. I think I'll use your instead. :wp
i might redo the items names a bit more. i changed most of them to fit at the end of the 'you found a [...]' sentence, but i realised that most of them can't even be found seperately! so yeah, i'll be changing some back to what they were, some will stay the way i changed them, and two or three items need changing again. i'll get right on that.

my discription of the swept hilt rapier comes from a historical text on the weapon, but it's stats don't reflect the discription. it's got a much higher pierce than block rate. although i'd imagine that fighting with it as your primary weapon would be reflected in it's stats.

the pappenheimer (along with several other weapons) had a discription originally taken straight from a site that sells the things, apparently. 'factory created prototype' struck me as rather odd. it's also the discription i want to redo, since the grammar turned out to be a bit awkward.

i'm still tweaking my soundtracks once in while. i suppose i could update the music pack i uploaded to the FTP sometimes soon, since it's not perfect. oh, and rumors already used the right island names. the problem is that my new ones won't show up, nor do the minor corrections i made to the existing ones.
here's a second version. some minor changes. no objections to renaming the armor to cuirass? also, i noticed that the falchion (the proper one) has the same icon as the smallsword. that could use some fixing.


  • ItemsDescribe.txt
    47.7 KB · Views: 108
OK. I'm not awake yet, but will try it later.

The items I have picked up so far are named well. I have seen no awkward phrases.

I'm no expert. All I know is I want the balance point as close to my hand as possible. A poorly balanced sword doesn't react quickly enough for good defense. Hence the long knife for blocking and inside work. The cutlass, for example, is a scream and swing weapon. It was called "the wrist breaker" in the US Navy because of its poor balance.

45inches! That is a long blade. The site I visit doesn't list the Pappenheimer, but does have some similar.

Your sounds does not list a Portagee town. Just a Spanish town. It's music is different too.
nose-heavy swords work more like axes, really. swing once and hope it kills.

the blade length was what i got off the site that made the things. it does seem exceptionally long for a bladed rapier, but they're not a heavy kind of sword to begin with.

i found the portugese theme at one time, but i've lost it again. it's some kind of obscure file that bartolomue coded in. i've just replaced existing files because the game started getting snarky if you'd modify it more extensively (even though it should work perfectly fine). much like the new rumors, there'd be code for selecting something new, but the game still tried to select the old stuff. it's also why i've been unable to change soundtrack names without causing trouble. i've got no idea why though. logically speaking, they should work just fine if you'd modify the music selection file accordingly, but it won't. it's like the code is embedded into the game somehow. hell, i've managed to get stuff from one savegame (which had been deleted) into another savegame due to a now impossible bug exploit.
Are island names supposed to be changed everywhere or only in some places?
Because i'm kinda stuck in Sao Jorge because of a bug and noticed it is called Concepcion in the save menu and loading screens, although I downloaded your files Morgan. :shrug
I wondered when you would notice. The last and best one looks most like a falchion to me. Did someone run out of names? Or are they supposed to represent early and late models?

DOR: What storyline are you playing? The names are changed in different time periods.
I like the DOR :doff

I'm playing the Bartolomeu storyline and I think that there is a problem with the names and that is the cause for my bugg. But i'm not sure.
Each period changes the island and city names to historical named from the period they are set, this should be both in game and save menu though :mm
A different name shouldnt cause any bugs as the line of code used to choose locations and stuff is a generic name with a different section used to change the name
i've never changed the way the island names work guys. the only name-related bug that you might find is in a rumor regarding the cave in oxbay port.

as for the falchions, it seems to me that someone tried to replace the stock falchion with another weapon, but never deleted the old one. then someone realised that it had the same icon as a smallsword and tried to change the icon, but forgot to delete the previous one again.
Ayup! That sounds familiar. I have been seeing that in my work on rigging. Previous people have made partial changes and then just left it. Ahh, the joys of housecleaning. :drunk