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Fixed Night time in Cartagena Hotel

Grey Roger

Sea Dog
Staff member
Storm Modder
Cartagena Hotel is open at night:
   Locations[n].reload.l9.name = "reload11";
   Locations[n].reload.l9.go = "Cartagena Hotel";
   Locations[n].reload.l9.emerge = "reload1";
   Locations[n].reload.l9.autoreload = "0";
   Locations[n].reload.l9.label = "Cartagena Hotel.";
   Locations[n].reload.l9.close_for_night = 0;
But neither Mary Seacole nor Abequa are set to be active 24 hours of the day. So if you go in at night, the place is deserted.

Do we want the hotel to close its door at night or for the staff to be there all the time? Either way is fine by me, just let the hotel make up its mind one way or the other. ;)
@Jack Rackham : Do you reckon you can make something more sensible of this since you're doing work on the related sidequest anyway?
I'm there working with those 2 characters right now yes.

When you arrive to Cartagena with Robert Cook the Hotel is open but empty yes.
In "mysterious plants": after you have got the "hotel_flyer" I have placed those 2 characters there. Or 2
copies of them as I didn't get the 2 original ones to show up.

I think an easy solution (for me) is to close it for night. I can open it in the mysterious plant situation described above.
It's better for me to get rid of the 2 original characters to not mess up things. OK?
In "mysterious plants": after you have got the "hotel_flyer" I have placed those 2 characters there. Or 2
copies of them as I didn't get the 2 original ones to show up.
Uh, what's wrong with the original characters? :confused:

I think an easy solution (for me) is to close it for night.
Even simpler: Close it permanently and open it up exclusively when needed during the quest.
It serves no purpose outside the quest anyway, right?

It's better for me to get rid of the 2 original characters to not mess up things. OK?
If you have two unused characters that don't want to work, indeed it is better to dump them. :onya
Or just as easy to set them to 0 - 24 and always open. If the real ones should interfere
with my quest thing I can remove them. (temporary)

Maybe this is more logical, that the Hotel is always open. I change my mind and vote for this.
Even simpler: Close it permanently and open it up exclusively when needed during the quest.
It serves no purpose outside the quest anyway, right?
I'm not sure if there are more situations at the Hotel than the one I'm trying to complete. (mysterious plants)

Uh, what's wrong with the original characters?
No idea but everything is ok with my 2 substitutes.
I'm not sure if there are more situations at the Hotel than the one I'm trying to complete. (mysterious plants)
There aren't. The hotel was added purely for the Mysterious Plants sidequest and has no other use at all.

So my suggestion: Permanently closed, open it up when needed for the sidequest and keep only your substitute characters that do work.
Effectively you'll then only meet them during the quest and otherwise never.

As long as the hotel has no other use, that is probably the cleanest solution.
Don't close the hotel permanently! It is needed for part of "Ardent". Both Mary Seacole and Abequa have things to say in this storyline, especially Abequa. Please leave it as it is. Here are the dialog files I currently have for the pair of them.

There is also "Cartagena Hotel Pension", which as far as I know is permanently closed already. I haven't done anything with that. Perhaps use that for the plants quest instead?


  • Abequa_dialog.c
    2.1 KB · Views: 86
  • Mary Seacole.c
    1.5 KB · Views: 84
  • Abequa_dialog.h
    1.1 KB · Views: 88
  • Mary Seacole.h
    624 bytes · Views: 96
What worries me is that I already mentioned this here:
Fix in Progress - Apothecary Quest Bugs ( contains Spoilers ) | Page 4 | PiratesAhoy!
I even posted the dialog files there as well. This is not exactly news. ;)
Indeed you did mention it, but I completely forgot. I only remembered again once you mentioned it today. That's my bad. :oops:

Especially today, I really don't have my usual concentration. Not for my actual job (which I'm currently trying to work on) and definitely not for PotC.
Even then, it has been very busy on my side lately as you might have noticed from my lack of actually doing stuff around here.
Thankfully you, @Jack Rackham and @ANSEL are around for support. :onya
Perhaps use that for the plants quest instead?
Sorry, not a chance since I have already spent so much time on this event.

Don't close the hotel permanently!
No. What if it's always open. Seacole and Abequa (original characters) logged in
0 - 24.
I can exchange them temporary when I have to.
Closed for night or always open are also fine by me. I don't mind either way.
What if it's always open. Seacole and Abequa (original characters) logged in
0 - 24.
I can exchange them temporary when I have to.
Yes, that would be fine. The problem for me was that you could go in at night, nobody was there, then you leave the hotel and the quest would break. Having Mary Seacole and Abequa present 0-24 would solve that. :onya
The problem with those original characters was a weird one anyway, wasn't it?
Maybe that is something I'd need to investigate? It would make the most sense if the characters are always the same, right?
It would make the most sense if the characters are always the same, right?

I have skipped the idea of 2 substitutes. The 2 original ones have to be in the hotel at all time.
I'll use a third unique character to kickstart what ever is going to happen in the hotel in the 'plants'
sidequest. This will take some more time so I won't be able to upload anything today.

This avoids any mess up with Ardent storyline as well.
Silly part is: Mary Seacole and Abequa were originally added by @Levis' specifically FOR the 'plants' sidequest.
Now they'll end up used for Ardent instead of their original intent.

Well, I don't care. Whatever works, right? If @Levis doesn't like it, he can always do it the way he wants himself! :wp
There's no reason why Mary Seacole and Abequa can't be used for both "Ardent" and the mysterious plants. Though, admittedly, I've got local versions of their dialog files in "PROGRAM\Storyline\Ardent\DIALOGS" at the moment, and that's where they're located in the upload. "Mary Seacole.c" contains this:
     case "First time":

       Dialog.defAni = "dialog_stay1";
       Dialog.defCam = "1";
       Dialog.defSnd = "dialogs\0\017";
       Dialog.defLinkAni = "dialog_1";
       Dialog.defLinkCam = "1";
       Dialog.defLinkSnd = "dialogs\woman\024";
       Dialog.ani = "dialog_stay2";
       Dialog.cam = "1";

       dialog.snd = "Voice\ARGU\ARGU001";
       dialog.text = DLG_TEXT[0];
       link.l1 = DLG_TEXT[1];
       link.l1.go = "Exit";
       if(GetAttribute(pchar,"quest.mysterious_plants.heard_job") == "Find Indian Traders")
         link.l2 = DLG_TEXT[2];
         link.l2.go = "Exit";
       if (CheckQuestAttribute("ardent_convoy", "Cartagena"))
         link.l1 = DLG_TEXT[5];
         link.l1.go = "ardent_convoy";

Abequa doesn't seem to have anything in place for mysterious plants, at least in my current version:
     case "First time":
       Dialog.defAni = "dialog_stay1";
       Dialog.defCam = "1";
       Dialog.defSnd = "dialogs\0\017";
       Dialog.defLinkAni = "dialog_1";
       Dialog.defLinkCam = "1";
       Dialog.defLinkSnd = "dialogs\woman\024";
       Dialog.ani = "dialog_stay2";
       Dialog.cam = "1";
       Dialog.snd = "dialogs\0\009";

       dialog.text = DLG_TEXT[0];
       link.l1 = DLG_TEXT[1];
       link.l1.go = "Exit";

     case "ardent_convoy_was_here":
       dialog.text = DLG_TEXT[2];
       link.l1 = DLG_TEXT[3];
       link.l1.go = "be_nice";
Normally she just gives a stock greeting - in fact, normally she's set to use the stock "Cartagena citizen_dialog.c" anyway. For my purposes "Mary Seacole.c" proceeds to a case which ends by triggering a quest case that switches Abequa to use her own file and goes straight to case "ardent_convoy_was_here", bypassing "First time" entirely. When she's done her part, and when you leave the hotel, she reverts to her position up the stairs and goes back to using whatever dialog file she was using before.

So it should be possible to expand "Mary Seacole.c", specifically that part covered by 'if(GetAttribute(pchar,"quest.mysterious_plants.heard_job") == "Find Indian Traders")', to handle her role in the "Mysterious Plants" quest. And since I'm bypassing case "First time" in Abequa's dialog entirely, you can do what you like in there. Ardent's "quests_reaction.c" should return her to normal service.

If you want to keep Abequa in character with what I've done, note that she's partial to a bottle and can be bribed with one. This is why I arranged for Tavern 2 to sell them. :D So whatever she's going to do about Mysterious Plants could also require you to get her a drink...
Thanks for that @Grey Roger.
To make things easy I'll leave Seacole and Abequa as they are and go for another temporary character for my purpose.
I have to move Abequa away from the window at the end of the corridor for a while though.