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Mod Release Open Sea Mod and Realism Settings

Dont want to start a new thread but I just had two, in my opinion, cool ideas to make directsail even cooler^^
First idea is, that you have to make sure that your crew has enough sleep (especially in the night). This idea came, after some pirates appeared and wanted to attack me during the night. Would be cool if you have to make sure that your crew has enough sleep (good sleep: morale raise, not enough sleep: morale goes down), and then, when you suddenly have to fight, have to 'wake' them up first (which needs time and causes maybe a drop of morale if you dont have enough leadership or sth like that). I think this would be another good realistic touch for the game, cause I cant imagine that the (whole) crew stays awake the whole trip^^. Maybe with options how the crew may sleep, e.g. whole crew (set crew to minimum, but only during night) half of the crew (whole day) or never sleep?

The other idea is about the friendly boarding mod (dont know how far this actually is, cause I have some bugs with it?). I think I read it in this thread, that somebody had the idea that you could ask where you are. So a nice add could be, that you could trade with them food, ammo, planks and sails, of course for money. Could be helpful if you had a long battle. And I think it would be very cool if you could trade food and planks/sails for free if the ships nation is >30 friendly towards you or some other benefits.

I hope this wasnt too much text^^
hmm, about the sleep thing. i'm not sure about that, but isn't there shifts on the duties of sailors? i think recall reading somewhere that sailors(or is it just officers) have eight(?) hours on duty and after the next shift they will be replaced. so that they are battle-ready anytime.
ahh okay.. well was an idea^^

err I think my Loginterface.c is messed up (the file who controls the day-adding), the hour-bell isnt played anymore and the time-shift wont start (I changed it from 1 day to one hour). Can someone please just attach the file here? :) Would download the beta 2.3 but my internet has data-volume restrictions^^
Heya pirates!

It's been some time since I last played this, but now I did it again and I also experienced somethng more.

In the Open Sea mod storms are very very rare. The only time I have been caught in one is when I leave port in bad weather and sometimes it degenerates into a storm. The bad part is after that you get hit with one storm after the other. My personal record is getting sunk in the 7th storm. The only escape is going to the world Map.

Great, I just encountered my first storms.
Hit me right after I left port, and I encountered more storms during my whole travel from Curacao to Barbados. It seemed that with striong wind and already rough sea, there was always a good chance to get a storm when weather changed. I think it were at least 5 strms, some even close to the islands. Fortunately, the didn't much damage, I survived teh storms.
Hit me right after I left port, and I encountered more storms during my whole travel from Curacao to Barbados. It seemed that with striong wind and already rough sea, there was always a good chance to get a storm when weather changed. I think it were at least 5 strms, some even close to the islands. Fortunately, the didn't much damage, I survived teh storms.
I've seen behaviour like that in the past as well. The weather now depends on the weather that came before, so if it is already stormy, there's a good chance you'll get several storms in a row.
At the moment, we have this as being an additional option in Beta 2.3. It would be better to actually implement this is the code.
Does anyone have any objections to incorporating this into the IRON_MAN_MODE switch?
Good day gentlemen,

I'll add my idea because I seem to be one of the few who actually use iron man mode.

Actuallym iron man mode des...
- disable world map travel
- disable fast travel (to bays and ports and ships)
- disables additional spyglass information

The reason why I use iron man mode is for the disabled spyglass information.
I'd like to have world map travel and fast travel. I'd rarely use it both, but I'd like it to be possible.
If you now include storms in a row into that ... I'd like to switch them active.

So, I'd vote for making several switches here, instead of one big one, because I doubt there will be a player, who will love to switch all that on. Just my 5 cent
A true Iron Man. :bow

There were some people who wanted Iron Man, but they disappeared a long time ago.
I use a combination of direct sail and world map every day. I still use direct sail enough that I can read a 600 page book while doing it and finish the book in days, not weeks. The world map is also how I escape from storms.
I only use fast travel when going from the shipyard to the port to see if the ship I just bought is actually the ship I want to buy. Errors happen.
I like having spyglass information like distance and the condition of the ship. The ships do not model damage so there is no other way to tell its state. I have boarded ships that I thought were ready to surrender only to be slaughtered too many times because I was using the cheap spyglass that gives no information.

As always, more choices are preferable to less choices.
I'd like to remind people of this article on the various realism modes:
It's a little outdated now, but not very.

If possible, I'd like to be able to keep the number of toggles and settings to a minimum for simplicity's sake.
Can anyone come up with any thoughts on how to set it up differently? Which features would you like to be able to switch independently?
At some point, I could put some InteralSettings.h lines in place so you can override the game's realism settings with whatever you prefer.
I'd need some input on how exactly to set that up though. I can write the code no problem, but I can't anticipate every wish. :wp
A true Iron Man. :bow
Be sure I am not. A complete landlubber I am, and the most contact with water I get is when taking a shower.

Back to the subject,
the last time I was really annoyed by storms was in Build 13 (I used this very long, and started with 14 last year). That was when I used world map travel and then I was hit by storms very often. I think this is because storms on world map "just happen". They don't with direct sail I think. Instead, they develope from an already bad weather, from weather with strong wind and rain or something like that.
And being a direct sailer, I rarely set sails when such a weather is. There is no chance hunting pirates via quest with such bad sight, for you'd simply not find them ... and chances are to be hit by a storm right when leaving port (that happened frequently to me when satting sail in such weather). And while I am not opposed to storms on the open sea, I really hate them when they hit me while still being in a small bay of a natural port, where is no room for any sort of maneuver. Thus, when the weather is already bad and "stormish", I don't set sail, and just return to tavern. I think this is what real captains would do.
Consequently, I face much less storms when direct sailing. So, when it happens, I like it - but it's rare. Really really rare.

And I abolutely agree with you about choices!
hmm, i would like ironman mode to have all the 'cheats' and tricks disabled, like fast travel in towns. that way, it would make it a true hardcore game for the 'ironman', without any exploits and advantages. i really like the disabled spyglass info, that way you'll never now when a ship is hostile unless you study it carefully. and i hope world map stays disabled, so i won't be tempted to use it :D
There is no chance hunting pirates via quest with such bad sight, for you'd simply not find them ... and chances are to be hit by a storm right when leaving port (that happened frequently to me when satting sail in such weather).
The pirates might sink because of the storm, saving you the trouble of finding and killing them! :cheeky

Thus, when the weather is already bad and "stormish", I don't set sail, and just return to tavern. I think this is what real captains would do.
Consequently, I face much less storms when direct sailing.
Perfectly true. That is one of the reasons for the on-screen log message ashore indicating the wind strength in ports: to allow you to decide not to set sail.
Another reason, once you get the direction mentioned too, is to allow you to know in advance if you can get out of the harbour or not.

hmm, i would like ironman mode to have all the 'cheats' and tricks disabled, like fast travel in towns. that way, it would make it a true hardcore game for the 'ironman', without any exploits and advantages. i really like the disabled spyglass info, that way you'll never now when a ship is hostile unless you study it carefully. and i hope world map stays disabled, so i won't be tempted to use it :D
That's for sure; Iron Man Mode is not going to end up easier. What we'll be trying to do though is accommodate those people who want something inbetween.

I'd like to remind people of this article on the various realism modes:
It's a little outdated now, but not very.
I just read it. Yes, I think it is quite up to date in many aspects.

If possible, I'd like to be able to keep the number of toggles and settings to a minimum for simplicity's sake.
I perfectly understand that, for it makes it easier to get started.
On the other hand, what I really like in this modded version of PotC is that I can play it as I like. Gamers are much different in what they like and so shall be games as much configurable as possible. This is especially true for solo player games, where is no need to have a common base as it is in any multiplayer game.

I'd need some input on how exactly to set that up though. I can write the code no problem, but I can't anticipate every wish. :wp

There I can just speak for myself.
Based on discussion, I'd set my switches this way:
- world map travel: ON // very rarely used
- sail to: ON // very rarely used
- multiple storms: ON
- disabled spyglass information: ON

But these are just my preferences. Hylie would switch the storms OFF I'm sure, and there are certainly players like SRACon17, who would prefer to have world map and sail to switched OFF because they can not resist temptation to frequently use them.

By the way, I just looked at this
There are lots of spyglass settings in PROGRAM\InternalSettings.h:
from the other thread, and I think, if I could play with the spyglass settings, I could very well modify direct sailing without iron made so that I would like it. I just need toi set any spyglass information I don't want to distance 1, so then I won't get them until I'm alongside, and then I would not use the spyglass. That would do it for me I think.[/quote]
There is no setting for storms. They are what they are. :shrug

I could give you some code modifications to set up your game the way you want... maybe Monday I'll have time for that?
That would hold you over until we can set up the toggles as desired. :doff