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    Maelstrom New Horizons

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This is during the "Assassin" storyline, though the battle is a bit of freelance plundering. Cruising off Hispaniola, I'd found a battle in progress between Dutch and Portuguese ships, and as I'm role-playing Johan Elting as still loyal to Holland despite working for Spain, I didn't want to upset the Dutch. I'd just decided that I could hoist a false flag and join in against the Portuguese, then "Sail Ho" put an end to that plan - the two combatant fleets disappeared, and off to starboard was a big Portuguese convoy, meaning I didn't need to bother with the false flag after all.

The convoy consisted of a couple of Fast Galleons, a Carrack, a Pinnace, a Light Manila Galleon and a Royal Manila Galleon. Escorting it were a couple more Fast Galleons and a Heavy Pinnace of War. The flagship, one of the merchant Fast Galleons, surrendered fairly early, triggering the bug whereby the whole fleet turns neutral and you have to save and reload the game to continue the battle. This also meant I got to try it again after I got sunk.

Eventually I realised that I wasn't going to win this by continuing to chase the Royal Manila Galleon, which is what I'd been doing when the flagship Fast Galleon surrendered. The way to win was to leave it, at least for now, and go all out for the Heavy Pinnace of War. Boarding it cost me an officer, but with that out of the way, the other escorts weren't too much trouble, and I ended up capturing both Manila Galleons.
One of the "Personal" flags looks like a Scottish saltire in reverse, with blue cross on white instead of Scotland's white cross on blue. (The Scottish version is also available as a "Personal" flag.) The pennant which currently goes with it is just the same design stretched and tapered onto a pennant form:

The flag is actually the Russian naval ensign from 1712 to 1917, the "Andreyevsky" flag. The pennant should have a small saltire near the mast and a red streamer. You can see it here. And this is how it looks in the game:

Unless anyone objects, a new version of "perpnt3.tga.tx" with the revised pennant will go into the next update.
Here's how the new pennant looks when the mast's locators stretch it to a longer format, e.g. on a Kreyser class frigate:
There's also a slight modification. Another look at the original shows that the saltire part should be rectangular; only the red part should taper.

Also among the Personal flags is the Scottish saltire and, again, its pennant was just the same design as the flag. I found a picture of a model of a ship called Great Michael with an interesting pennant design; the split between the twin tails runs so far forward that it's no longer a twin tail, it's effectively two single tails streaming from the saltire part near the mast. Some fiddling with the alpha map, and this is the result:

I've also stretched the mizzen pennants on all Heavy East Indiaman variants so that they're about the same as the foremast pennants. Old vs. new:
east_indiaman_old.jpg east_indiaman_new.jpg

Most of them are identical except for colour scheme, so after I'd changed "RN_Wargalleon", I simply copied the mast models into the other variants and renamed them to match. But "FR_Licorne" is a different model, so I had to alter its mast locators separately:
licorne_old.jpg licorne_new.jpg
Also among the Personal flags is the Scottish saltire and, again, its pennant was just the same design as the flag. I found a picture of a model of a ship called Great Michael with an interesting pennant design; the split between the twin tails runs so far forward that it's no longer a twin tail, it's effectively two single tails streaming from the saltire part near the mast.
That's a nice touch!

I've also stretched the mizzen pennants on all Heavy East Indiaman variants so that they're about the same as the foremast pennants. Old vs. new
Looks far more sensible. :onya
Seen in Philipsburg, St. Martin:
(Alright, I admit it. The character is really there, but I fiddled with his dialog for the picture. It won't be going into any official game. :D)
Seen in Philipsburg, St. Martin
:rofl :rofl :rofl

Alright, I admit it. The character is really there, but I fiddled with his dialog for the picture. It won't be going into any official game. :D
I reckon you SHOULD add that to the game! But maybe with only a 1 in 100 chance of showing up. Just as a little Easter Egg.
There are plenty of those in the game already and I really don't object to having more.
One of my favourite ones is if lightning does damage to your ship in a storm, there is a 1 in 100 chance that the on-screen log will say "God's Hand gained 100000 XP" or something like that. :cheeky
I like how it has a double meaning, fitting into game context even if you don't know what it's referencing. A well-done, funny easter egg! :3 If included in-game, I would probably give the player character a normal response, though -- not end the conversation jarringly there. Once the comedy has made its punchline effectively, the game should smoothly proceed as expected (and that includes the dialogue). The original Monkey Island comes to mind. ^_^
No, if he's going into "Guardians of the Galaxy" mode then he's going to do it properly.
groot_start.jpg groot_done_it.jpg groot_questions.jpg groot_directions.jpg

In fact, it's a good thing @Pieter Boelen encouraged me to do this because I found a bug.
See the line where you say "Tell me about Philipsburg."? Originally that was "Tell me about .". "philipsburg citizen_dialog.h", like most if not all dialog text files, uses placeholders for the town name. That way, if the town changes name due to period or due to the player conquering and renaming it, dialogs will show the correct name. But not if the placeholder is "#Philipsburg#", which it is in "philipsburg citizen_dialog.h". It should, of course, be "#sPhilipsburg#". So I've replaced it both in "philipsburg citizen_dialog.h" and in Adam Groot's personal variant. (Hardly anyone goes to Philipsburg, and when they do, it's probably on quest business, not to chat to residents. At least, I'm guessing that's why nobody ever reported this bug before. So not many people are likely to see "I am Groot", which is why it may as well be drastic.)

Adam Groot now says "I am Groot" in all his dialog options. You might not be able to figure out what he means but your character does, so if you ask him for directions to, say, the tavern, he says "I am Groot" and the fast-travel to the tavern is unlocked anyway.

When you get fed up with this, there's a way out:
groot_offer_rum.jpg groot_cured.jpg
It's going to cost you a bottle of rum, which you need to have in your possession for this option to be available. If you haven't looted one from somewhere, it may be available for sale in Nevis brothel and it's definitely for sale in one of Cartagena's taverns. The one furthest away from Cartagena port, which is probably the port furthest away from Philipsburg. I didn't plan it that way, but it does add to the amusement value.
No, if he's going into "Guardians of the Galaxy" mode then he's going to do it properly.
Oh dear. Now I've done it... :razz

Hardly anyone goes to Philipsburg, and when they do, it's probably on quest business, not to chat to residents. At least, I'm guessing that's why nobody ever reported this bug before.
How many people chat to residents at all? And how many of those pay attention to the actual text shown?
And when they do notice something is wrong, go as far as bothering to tell us?

In any case: GOOD CATCH! :woot

Adam Groot now says "I am Groot" in all his dialog options. You might not be able to figure out what he means but your character does, so if you ask him for directions to, say, the tavern, he says "I am Groot" and the fast-travel to the tavern is unlocked anyway.

When you get fed up with this, there's a way out:

It's going to cost you a bottle of rum, which you need to have in your possession for this option to be available. If you haven't looted one from somewhere, it may be available for sale in Nevis brothel and it's definitely for sale in one of Cartagena's taverns. The one furthest away from Cartagena port, which is probably the port furthest away from Philipsburg. I didn't plan it that way, but it does add to the amusement value.
That is bloody brilliant!! :rofl
Citizens don't normally have weapons. There are a few exceptions but Groot isn't one of them. Random walkers - the ones who can give random hints, sell you bandages or treasure maps, or pick your pocket - are the one with weapons. The main reason for chatting with permanent residents such as Groot is to ask for directions to various parts of the town, though you can also ask about rumours.
Something I'd worked on earlier but never got round to including in the last update. It turns out that Holland did have some 3rd rate ships during the "Napoleonic" period, such as the Prins Willem de Eerste. So...
nl_superbe1.jpg nl_superbe_stern.jpg

There is a bit of a problem, though...

Anyway, for game purposes it's "NL_Superbe" and it's going into the next update.
There is a bit of a problem, though...
I don't see the problem?

There is definitely a problem though.
There is code around to make sure the game understands no ships that are too big show up for Holland in the later periods.
Adding the ship doesn't mean she'll show up anywhere. Not in this specific case...