@CouchcaptainCharles copied "lizard.gm" and then resized it with @Inez Dias' TOOL.There's no need to rename the original file. It's probably a copy of "lizard.gm".
I would suggest:
- Copy the current "b_invisible.gm" as "b_lizard_small.gm".
- Apply the alpha texture to "b_invisible.gm".
If I can magically conjure up the time to do that, I will.If you want a lizard in your choice of build item, copy "lizard.gm" from "RESOURCE\MODELS\Animals" to "RESOURCE\MODELS\Characters", then use "lizard" instead of "b_invisible" in its 'InitBLDexterior' line in "initItems.c".
For now, I am completely swamped with other stuff.