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Fixed Stuck after boarding certain quest ships that trigger a reload

Gosh this program code is convoluted - turns out there are win conditions for capturing or killing the pirate captain of the Silena :dance for the Native Art collection (I assume that's what the ship will be called when I get there) but they are squirreled away in Silehard's dialogue file!!?! :read(who would look there if weren't for that Windows search tip :shrug)

I hope putting the SeaEnter checks in there will work too and I have found a 3.4 save game at Bonaire at the right moment to test it so more anon.

EDIT make that the Sirena
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Gosh this program code is convoluted - turns out there are win conditions for capturing or killing the pirate captain of the Silena :dance for the Native Art collection (I assume that's what the ship will be called when I get there) but they are squirreled away in Silehard's dialogue file!!?! :read(who would look there if weren't for that Windows search tip :shrug)
Indeed the code you're looking for can be anywhere in this game.
Glad to hear my trick is being of help to you though! :cheers
Just an update. Did the frigate idol recovery through boarding in 3.4 and that worked OK (so both the quests.reaction.c changes now confirmed as OK in 3.4) but still can't board the animist ships (although since you can't board them this is not actually a game breaker). Also still to resolve the intricate steps of recovering Silehard's Native collection - just adding the SeaEnter win condition check doesn't quite hack it. WIP.
Looks like my Animists side quest saved game was beyond the
Character_SetAbordageEnable(characterFromID("Mystery_Man_04"), true); lines. I temporarily altered the check in character.utilite.c so that everything was boardable and sunk the two ships by boarding - quest ran on as normal:D.

So just the Sirena too resolve now -the other three instances all checked OK in 3.4.

Actually the two Character_SetAbordageEnable lines could be removed entirely just leaving them as normal ships and therefore boardable - less code is good.
Sounds good!
So what issues still remain with this one? And will you upload all your changed files when you're done?
I might lose track otherwise which would be a shame indeed. :oops:

Looks like my Animists side quest saved game was beyond the
Character_SetAbordageEnable(characterFromID("Mystery_Man_04"), true); lines.
In such a case, you can use console.c to execute those lines "after the fact".
Sounds good!
In such a case, you can use console.c to execute those lines "after the fact".

Yeah thought of that but the other way I was sure I would get to board them. I could then work backwards as to why not if needed after checking boarding did not break the quest chain.

In fact just used the console way before reading yours above for the Sirena - Yes my saved game did not call the dialogue so didn't set the second win.condition. Once set from console everything works fine on boarding. So here is an amended Silehard dialogue and unless you want me to hack out the two redundant Character_SetAbordageEnable lines in quests.side.c everything is done with this thread (and tested in 3.4)


  • Robert Christopher Silehard_dialog.7z
    5.2 KB · Views: 151
So the quest_side.c and quests_reaction.c you posted are still up-to-date, then?
They just need the Character_SetAbordageEnable lines to be removed; I'll do that myself tonight. :yes

And that dialog file fixes the last issue there still was? Excellent!
Thank you very much for figuring that one out! :cheers
Yes That's how it stands.

If I were to be picky the with the Sirena quest element she runs away and depending what ship you have it can be a long chase, however on sinking her (by boarding or not) you jump to a "she sank in shallow water" and just off your stating location scenario - but that is how it is - not broken just not too well written. :checklist:nogood
If I were to be picky the with the Sirena quest element she runs away and depending what ship you have it can be a long chase, however on sinking her (by boarding or not) you jump to a "she sank in shallow water" and just off your stating location scenario - but that is how it is - not broken just not too well written. :checklist:nogood
Oh, you mean the quest text suggests that she sank in "shallow water"?
You could change that text slightly to suggests that she sank right over a shallow bank at sea.
Those exist in the Caribbean. And of course they are always destined to be right below a sinking Sirena. Right....? :wp
Not exactly the quest text - more being teleported to the beach being told she sank in shallow water and the cargo can be retrieved then another instant reload to the same beach two days later when you are given the collection and can move on. So quest not broken

BUT I captured the boarded ship so there was no sinking and nothing to retrieve - so I ought to be able to just search her thoroughly whilst sailing her in my flotilla. The code does have a second ship ready to be placed and only used in the event you decide to sneak aboard rather than attack from your ship so a bit of a re-write could perhaps produce a better scenario. I may add it on a TO DO list.
Not exactly the quest text - more being teleported to the beach being told she sank in shallow water and the cargo can be retrieved then another instant reload to the same beach two days later when you are given the collection and can move on. So quest not broken
Dialog instead of quest text then?

BUT I captured the boarded ship so there was no sinking and nothing to retrieve - so I ought to be able to just search her thoroughly whilst sailing her in my flotilla. The code does have a second ship ready to be placed and only used in the event you decide to sneak aboard rather than attack from your ship so a bit of a re-write could perhaps produce a better scenario. I may add it on a TO DO list.
Are you saying the text is hardcoded to indicae that the ship sank while you captured her this time instead?
Indeed that could potentially use a rewrite.

That being said.... A worse example is the Black Pearl at the end of the Standard Storyline.
There is a complete movie showing her being sunk and repaired by skeletons at the bottom of the ocean.
Which absolutely no sense if you just boarded her and are sailing into the sunset with the Black Pearl now under your command.
Of course that wasn't possible in the original game, but it is now. :facepalm
Are you saying the text is hardcoded to indicae that the ship sank while you captured her this time instead?
Indeed that could potentially use a rewrite.
Yes Text, dialogue and scene.So short of finding another bug to look at I may have a look at improving this.

A worse example is the Black Pearl at the end of the Standard Storyline.
There is a complete movie showing her being sunk and repaired by skeletons at the bottom of the ocean.
So why not a test condition to cut the movie if you keep the Black Pearl (which I guess most people would). The movie is nice but if wrong....:dfiddlehowever the capture of Oxbay movie has its problems too and you can't cut everything (well you can but it seems too much of a shame to lose the cinematics).
So why not a test condition to cut the movie if you keep the Black Pearl (which I guess most people would). The movie is nice but if wrong....:dfiddlehowever the capture of Oxbay movie has its problems too and you can't cut everything (well you can but it seems too much of a shame to lose the cinematics).
Yep, the capture Oxbay one mentions the wrong year AND the wrong town. But we can hardly redo the movie.
As wrong as it is, I reckon for both cases they're too nice to skip altogether.
OK not so much of a re-write , there was a boarding case already. what I needed to do was REMOVE my check that stopped it happening during boarding but the ensure that the "kill_pirate_06" win.condition didn't supercede the boarding case when boarding finished - so a line

pchar.quest.kill_pirate_06.over = "yes"; did that and then ensure that you are given the native collection (which you weren't) with

GiveItem2Character(pchar, INCAS_COLLECTION);

and it is all good to go - as are you to sail straight back to Silehard, for good measure I tweaked the questbook entry. Here are the 3 relevant files.

Of course now the WIKI could do with comments about boarding crashing the game removed - and incidentally it still refers to a bugged colony capture which confused me a bit when I played and it wasn't.


  • boarding.7z
    46.5 KB · Views: 176
GiveItem2Character(pchar, INCAS_COLLECTION);
Ah, that one will need tweaking for Beta 3.5 because I removed the #define-based item IDs.
But I can do that when I add it into my game. Thanks for figuring this one out! :cheers

Of course now the WIKI could do with comments about boarding crashing the game removed - and incidentally it still refers to a bugged colony capture which confused me a bit when I played and it wasn't.
This one @Talisman. :doff
Of course now the WIKI could do with comments about boarding crashing the game removed - and incidentally it still refers to a bugged colony capture which confused me a bit when I played and it wasn't.
This one @Talisman. :doff

from Wiki - At the top of the walkthrough page - shows how long ago I last played that story all the way through. xD

This walkthrough was created using Build 14 Beta 02.1 it may differ from other versions of the game.

Most of the walk throughs need checking & updating :checklist

If anyone plays through a quest - they should feel free to make any necessary changes to the walkthroughs - and change the version at the top of the page - ( or add one if necessary )

I am trying to get round to updating them all at some time - there is just so much content and people just keep adding more & changing ( sorry improving :p) what is already there - That I cannot always keep up.

So does anything still needs to be fixed here? Or can we put this on needs testing?
So does anything still needs to be fixed here? Or can we put this on needs testing?

Nothing else to fix and I have tested all four instances (repel English attack,idol on frigate,animists and lastly Sirena) as OK in 3.4 but I have been known to screw things up before so by all means put it to needs testing for Beta 3.5 when @Pieter Boelen has added it to the WIP version.