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Wacky News Stories

The emergency services are used to receiving very strange calls but even they were shocked when a woman dialled 999 to report the theft of her snowman.
Kent police have released a transcript of the call in which the woman tells the operator: "There's been a theft from outside my house.

"I haven't been out to check on him for five hours but I went outside for a fag and he's gone."

The operator asks "Who's gone?" the woman, from Chatham, replies: "My snowman.

"I thought that with it being icy and there not being anybody about, he'd be safe."

The incredulous operator then asks: "Do you mean an ornament?" The woman replies: "No, a snowman made of snow, I made him myself.

"It ain't a nice road but you don't expect anybody to nick your snowman."


first baby born in San Diego Zoo 2011
Satanic Leaf Tailed Gecko

Waseca man gives ex an explosive-rigged vibrator

WASECA, Minn. - A Waseca, Minn. man is facing up to 13 years in prison for modifying a sex toy into an explosive device in order to "blow up" former female roommates after being kicked out of the residence .

Terry Allen Lester, 37, had recently been staying with two women in Waseca who had asked him to move out after the property owner had learned of the living situation and ordered him out. On Dec. 29 Lester left the residence, but left several bags of property behind.

The two remaining women looked through his belongings and found a vibrator that had been loaded with gunpowder, BB shot and buckshot and appeared to be wired to a battery port in order for it to explode. It was found inside of a coffee can labeled "Christmas Gifts."

Lester said he was going to give it to one of the women because his relationship with them had ended badly. He intended to trigger the device while inserted into one of the females and "blow them up."

A total of three vibrators were found -- the altered one, as well as various tools and explosives, one pink with "Merry X-mas Bitch" written on it with black ink.

The former roommates called police and the Bloomington bomb squad was brought to the scene to dismantle and dispose of the devices.

The investigation found Lester had notified one of the women he put a bomb in the house, but nothing of the sort was located other than the rigged sex toy.

Lester faces felony charges of Possession/Making/Storing an Explosive/Incendiary Device and Terroristic Threats with such a device.

If convicted, Lester faces jail time as well as up to $33,000 in fines.
Would-be excavator thief dies in pool of mud

A man suffocated in a pool of mud trying to steal an excavation vehicle, it has been revealed.

Police said today (Fri) that the body discovered behind the wheel of the construction vehicle has been identified as a 55-year-old unemployed local.

The man apparently tried to steal the digger from an gravel pit in Ranshofen, Upper Austria, when workers had left the site to go for lunch at a nearby café on Wednesday. They found the excavator stuck deep in a mud pool a few hundred metres from the building site.
Dentist uses sexy dresses to distract patients
Advanced drugs can cure many ills, new technology can revolutionise surgery but sometimes a low-cut, sorry lo-tech, solution is all you need - one dentist has bought herself and her ten nurses tight-fitting, cleavage-maximising dresses to distract worried patients while they work.

Dr Marie-Catherine Klarkowski said: ‘The most important thing is to take away patients’ fear. The sight of cleavages gets patients narcotised and distracted from the pain rather quickly.

‘Some patients’ mouths are already wide open on entering the practice.’

It is unclear if the patients feel less pain but the number of clients going to the Relax & Smile practice in Munich has risen by a third since the change. Yes, they are all men.

Full article, with pictures, here: http://www.metro.co.uk/weird/853476-dentist-uses-sexy-dresses-to-distract-patients

And if you wish to make an appointment, the dental website is here: http://www.dr-klarkowski.de/content/kieferorthopaedin_muenchen/
xD: Outfits look like the dresses the ladies wear at the german Octoberfest.
There's a reason for that. From the same article:
Dr Klarkowski came up with the fleshy idea at an Oktoberfest event after seeing how men ogled waitresses in their traditionally revealing ‘dirndl’ outfits.