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Need Help Adding New Beatrice

Than i have another idea.

Im making completely New character. Female with Light blue skin and... (NSFW) stuff. Of course im still adding her Some clothing so she wont be exposed so much.

Is this good idea?
If there's one thing I don't really care for it's realism. Also feels a bit weird to rely on realism for the sake of realism by making gameplay more complicated and/or difficult in a game where Davy Jones is the cursed reaper of the high seas and Woodes Rogers plays escape-room-style puzzle games with unemployed pirates in a haunted mine. ;) But of course there is a fine line between "realism" and "details".
True, in this case maybe "detail" is a better word for it.

Anyway, if you want to remove the visible armors from your game do this:
  1. Go to "RESOURCE\MODELS\Characters". Also it would be a good idea to take a back up of this folder just in case.
  2. Delete the files that end in A1, A2, and A3. (To make it quicker search for "A1", then "A2", and then "A3")
Now you shouldn't see armors when wearing them.
Than i have another idea.

Im making completely New character. Female with Light blue skin and... (NSFW) stuff. Of course im still adding her Some clothing so she wont be exposed so much.

Is this good idea?
If you want to make it then sure, after all modding is done for fun. ;)

Of course if she is completely naked she won't get in the mod, because I think that we want to stay roughly to the level of 12+ years old.
If she has some clothes then I don't think it will be a problem.

But I would like someone else to confirm this.
Of course if she is completely naked she won't get in the mod, because I think that we want to stay roughly to the level of 12+ years old.
If she has some clothes then I don't think it will be a problem.

But I would like someone else to confirm this.

Im sayin out of curiosity.

Im using these programs to help:

* Prism3D (Android - to Edit .OBJ)
* 3D viewer (Android - to check my .OBJ)
* Blender (PC - to balance it)
* CAD Exchanger (PC - helps to convert .OBJ to .VRML)
* Inez Diaz Tool (PC - to check my character)

The only problem I saw on my first attempt that my character in TOOL doesnt appear at all.

I have to my character attached 3 files:

*Meridixis .OBJ (Yes, It's the name for Succubus)
*Meridixis .MTL (Probably for textures)
*2a9912f4 .JPG (Also for Textures?)

If nessesery i'll give link to my work... But not here... I'll need your cousel and desicions.
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Am I the only one who isn't a big fan of visible armours? For some it looks quite good like Helen Ardent, but the three Beatrices/Bonnies are some I actually wouldn't want to have "spoiled" by visible armours, amongst other things because it would obscure their distinctive outfits.
I don't always like them either.
There's something a bit medieval about armour; which I'm not sure fits on a sailing ship.

Of course if she is completely naked she won't get in the mod, because I think that we want to stay roughly to the level of 12+ years old.
If she has some clothes then I don't think it will be a problem.

But I would like someone else to confirm this.
We do have that "ENABLE_BROTHELS" toggle.
But even that one put off @High Sea Lass (who, incidentally, was one of the very few people to have success with true character modeling/animation work).
Well technically they had sailing ships in the medieval period. ;)
But not our kind.
Though the Early Explorers ones are close, of course.

Though the armors in PotC generally remind me of the conquistadors, and not the medieval period.
Conquistador - Wikipedia
Fair point.
Which is why it's in use in the earlier time periods.
It gets weirder later on...

I wonder if such armour was ever used in sea battles.
In real history, I mean.
Fair point.
Which is why it's in use in the earlier time periods.
It gets weirder later on...
Yeah, later it does't fit as much; though I suppose there must have been at least someone who still used them. :shrug

I wonder if such armour was ever used in sea battles.
In real history, I mean.
Possibly, armor does not affect mobility as much as we are lead to think by modern media.

Even in medieval plate armor you can move quite freely.

Now as far as rust goes, I believe that they used oils to prevent it.
Hey @Jacob, I've been thinking we could use this picture here as character portrait for BeatriceB to distinguish the model from BeatriceA. It might not be 100% accurate, but at the same time it wouldn't be less accurate than the character portraits of many other models, like all those who use historical paintings for example.

If yes, can somebody give me some tips about creating the character portrait? I understand the basics, like convertig to tga.tx etc. and have been playing around with the tx-converter, but where do I best get the frame that the character portraits have, which aspect ratio should it be and so on? (tx converter tells me to resize the picture).


  • bonnie.jpeg
    33.1 KB · Views: 162
In the 3 folders for portraits 64, 128 and 256 there are in each a face_blank.psd file with the frames.
For a 128 portrait you also have to make an addition in RESOURCE\INI\INTERFACES\pictures.ini.
If you're adding a number at the end of the serie. Some numbers could still be free.
Not all numbers use all three sizes so it's best to check the 64 folder, which all use.
I should start with a frame file and rename it. Then place the picture layer under the frame layer. And change size until it looks good.
64 files use to show the head, 128 head and some of the chest, 256 down to the waistline.
Hey @Jacob, I've been thinking we could use this picture here as character portrait for BeatriceB to distinguish the model from BeatriceA. It might not be 100% accurate, but at the same time it wouldn't be less accurate than the character portraits of many other models, like all those who use historical paintings for example.
Nice picture. :love
Hey @Jacob, I've been thinking we could use this picture here as character portrait for BeatriceB to distinguish the model from BeatriceA. It might not be 100% accurate, but at the same time it wouldn't be less accurate than the character portraits of many other models, like all those who use historical paintings for example.

If yes, can somebody give me some tips about creating the character portrait? I understand the basics, like convertig to tga.tx etc. and have been playing around with the tx-converter, but where do I best get the frame that the character portraits have, which aspect ratio should it be and so on? (tx converter tells me to resize the picture).

Picture to this character is good, but now i need to know how to make them visible for BeatriceB in Character Menu, On Land and Main Menu.

Im Sending my Files (PORTRAITS) in .rar

of course i gave addition to picture.ini

and im questionin' is there a possibility to add those "Faces" to BeatriceB?


  • POTC Picture.rar
    44 KB · Views: 149
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Quick question:

"Is it possible to make those Pictures i sent visible for BeatriceB?"

Resizing can be done by online conventers, and to put edited picture (64x64,128x128,256x256)with Gimp, since is pretty easy to use.
When you found face_skull or somethin' like that there are 2 layers, first one are the frames and second a White background.
Delete White background, Leaving frames only, then pastę your picture into it(if using GIMP, double-click on not yet visible picture) make sure frames are around then save it and export it as .TGA
@Jacob I haven't really worked on the portraits since my last question in this thread. Now I changed the names of your files all to the same number (593, because one was 591) and added that number to the entry in PROGRAM\Models\initModels.

The model description in that same file (A very hot pirate...) didn't appear when choosing the character in the main menu, so I found out how to do it. It also has to be added in RESOURCE\INI\TEXTS\ENGLISH\model_description like all the others, meaning description{description}.

Problem is that the images you sent above are very low-resolution, it didn't really look good in the character menu and when choosing the character in the model-window of the main menu it still didn't appear at all.

Other than that I'm not really an expert in that area...