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Discussion Cinematic Trailers

Robert Nutter

Serving Victoria
3D Artist
QA Tester
Storm Modder
Ahoy Mateys!

It's probably been hard to notice the various threads I've been hijacking lately regarding some promo videos for HoO (yeah, sorry... enthusiasm ahoy!). Well, I thought 'why not?' do the same for the Build Mod beta 4? As far as I can tell (and I may be completely wrong, so apologies if I am), on youtube the latest BM trailer was for Beta 3, and it is frankly superb so Kudos to whoever's it is; there are some jaw-dropping shots in there. However, given the plethora of additions since then, I think it only fair a new one be made. I'm very happy to do this unless this is already somebody else's jurisdiction. :walkplank I know @Red Back Dude , you were interested in a possible collab on this at some point?

What i'm thinking is, much along the lines of my ideas for HoO, for it to be purely cinematic. That means real production values (properly polished, aspect ratio etc, no integrated text and no UI shown.) Just a raw experience video which shows what it means to play POTC; both on land and at sea! Purely for hype reasons, kind of like a new game release teaser to build suspense.

What are ideas on this? As unlike with HoO I can get on with making it absolutely straight away if I get a green light and can probably get something out by sometime next month (other projects providing). I already have a few pieces of music lined up which (I believe) we shouldn't have issues using, unless there's already a stockpile.
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For reference, this was the first one made for Beta 2 by @Legendary_Spider:

And this one for Beta 3 by @Diperscitus:

See here for some old related threads:
Pirates Of the Caribbean: New Horizons Cinematic | PiratesAhoy!
Solved - Beta 3 Release Trailer? | PiratesAhoy!

As far as I'm concerned, you can get started right away.
You can use F9 to hide the interface.
You can set FREE_CAMERA to 1 at the bottom of PROGRAM\InternalSettings.h
Then use Tab to go into Free Camera mode and use Left/Right Mouse to go backward and forward
I'd be very interested to have a little chat with either of those members, if they're still around or want to collab on this one too. :cheers

Thanks Pieter! I'll install the latest WIP of Beta 4 tonight so I can have a fiddle with free camera and get used to shooting with it... 3.3 has started fainting on me during quests so probably for the best I upgrade my game anyway!

Is there anything else I need to know now? Ie, shots to avoid, models/textures/characters to avoid for copyright etc etc ...I plan on doing it from the perspective of a one of our quest characters...@Flannery, I know you're a busy person right now but it would amazing to 'hire' your talented voice just for ten minutes or so to record for this?

If it goes well, I'll then do one more 'piratey'...though I'm sure this one will include plenty of piracy..:dance
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I'd be very interested to have a little chat with either of those members, if they're still around or want to collab on this one too. :cheers
Send them a PM.

Thanks Pieter! I'll install the latest WIP of Beta 4 tonight so I can have a fiddle with free camera and get used to shooting with it... 3.3 has started fainting on me during quests so probably for the best I upgrade my game anyway!
There will be a new EXE coming within the next 24 hours.
It's so difficult to select music for this...I have access to so many perfect pieces, but choosing that extra special one is always hard!

@Flannery , what say you to some collaboration in terms of a V/O? I know you have tonnes on your plate right now but literally just a couple of lines? :pirate41:If not, I'll just have to be more intelligent with my visual choices, so no harm done if not possible :D
Always a good one!

I think I've made a choice now. I'm going for Celtic/folky feel, so it feels more in-line with Flannery's HoO tracks. I have a basic shotlist put together so hopefully, if I can work out how on earth the free camera works, I can start making it!

It seems to lock into a position and not move when at sea. So i go to world map then re-enter, and it's still in the last location....is this me doing something wrong? :eek: as it's completly stopping me from doing any filming!
Always a good one!

I think I've made a choice now. I'm going for Celtic/folky feel, so it feels more in-line with Flannery's HoO tracks. I have a basic shotlist put together so hopefully, if I can work out how on earth the free camera works, I can start making it!

It seems to lock into a position and not move when at sea. So i go to world map then re-enter, and it's still in the last location....is this me doing something wrong? :eek: as it's completly stopping me from doing any filming!
the free camera is controlled by the right and left mouse button to move forward or backward
It works fine on land, thanks @Levis ...it's just at sea. It's inverted for a start, and also remains on location. So no matter how much I move it about, it\ll never leave. So say I have a stormy start, it'll stay on that island for the rest of the storyline, no matter what I do!

EDIT: It's not inverted when on land.
Free Camera at sea tends to start at a VERY annoying position.
But Left/Right Mouse still moves it. Use time compression to speed it up.
I noticed :D

I just go off the map if I keep going...as I'm physically going to, say Tortuga, it'll stay at Jamaica. I thought maybe Direct Sail has something to do with it but as far as I can tell it just goes on infinitely?
That isn't even possible. When the island of Jamaica is loaded, then the island of Hispaniola (with Tortuga in the same model) is not.
That is why DirectSail requires a reload between two islands.
Well I must be having some impossibly bad luck, then! I don't get it either, but unless all islands are identical it's doing it...even when i'm in the middle of the sea. So battles out to sea (away from any islands) are impossible to film at all.

EDIT: Tortuga was an example. In reality, I've only tried it between Islands = Sea = Islands.

Here are my logs if it helps. :nerbz


  • compile.log
    6.9 KB · Views: 169
  • system.log
    7 KB · Views: 180
If you use DirectSail, probably the camera goes to the (0,0,0) point of whatever island is loaded, no matter how far away.
You could try using WorldMap sail; then if you're in the middle of nowhere, there is literally NO island around.
Wish that was the case, but I only ever use World Map (I'm lazy....). Honestly Pieter I wish I could say more, but all I know is I'm

  • At an Island, going to free cam.
  • Going to world map, sailing into the middle of NOWHERE.
  • Going to sea, the ship is in the right place (aka nowhere), but the Free cam is STILL anchored at the island.
Ok, I just tried the M&C Storyline and it didn't do it. So it does it on:


I'll try more...