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Mod Release SD:TEHO 1.7.0 : Cheat menu v1.3 / Skill and SPECIAL uncap v1.0

does that one looks like Scimitar?View attachment 38179
translator says: Скимитар - S overseas

This is how it looks in-game inventory if it would help

According to google translate, thats scimatar. Highlighted one in your notepad so I guess you are right on the money lol


  • K7zRKx.png
    507 KB · Views: 1,059
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lugger sure didnt rly got that with the cargo hold 6k? for the lugger?
btw with cheat menu u can upgrade any ship that u own

ok the items on the list the gun and the chronometer shuldnt be a proble to find the right id, the rest prolly will take me a week to find lol

caluche quest amulet, dont think its best idea but can try, strange stuff hapens if suddenly u own 2 quest items where only shuld exist 1, as to fix the amulet of caluche to a position by editing the quest files i wont do it. Mayby i think about it or mayby i add sum small tiny option to OCM2

ok back to the list i will add all those items under old candle option i already started to rewrite this one so i wont do a seperat menu that u choose wchich of those items u want seperatly but it will come as pack like on the list with candles ofc
lugger sure didnt rly got that with the cargo hold 6k? for the lugger?
btw with cheat menu u can upgrade any ship that u own

ok the items on the list the gun and the chronometer shuldnt be a proble to find the right id, the rest prolly will take me a week to find lol

caluche quest amulet, dont think its best idea but can try, strange stuff hapens if suddenly u own 2 quest items where only shuld exist 1, as to fix the amulet of caluche to a position by editing the quest files i wont do it. Mayby i think about it or mayby i add sum small tiny option to OCM2

ok back to the list i will add all those items under old candle option i already started to rewrite this one so i wont do a seperat menu that u choose wchich of those items u want seperatly but it will come as pack like on the list with candles ofc

I worded that poorly haha. What I meant by this (Also being able to spawn a Lugger with upgrades would help with Regatta. (Maybe being able to spawn a ship with 6k cargo hold too?)) sentence is
Fully upgrade lugger and random class 3-2 ship with 6k cargo hold (Pinnace maybe?). But since I didn't see the upgrade section in the cheat menu I guess there is no need for that :p a lugger would help tho but not necessary since you can get one from shipyards but its an QoL improvement nonetheless :p. Spawning Pinnacce and upgrading its cargo would help with smuggling goods in 1 go.
    // квестовые дорогие украшения
    n = InitStdItem( n,  "jewelry24",       "pursel", "ITEMS_24",   1, 0.0001,   1,     0,  50,  0.2,   ITEM_TRADE_JEWELRY);
    n = InitStdItem( n,  "jewelry25",       "pursel", "ITEMS_24",   2, 0.0001,   1,     0,  60,  0.2,   ITEM_TRADE_JEWELRY);
    n = InitStdItem( n,  "jewelry26",       "pursel", "ITEMS_24",   3, 0.0001,   1,     0,  70,  0.2,   ITEM_TRADE_JEWELRY);
    n = InitStdItem( n,  "jewelry27",       "pursel", "ITEMS_24",   4, 0.0001,   1,     0,  50,  0.2,   ITEM_TRADE_JEWELRY);
    n = InitStdItem( n,  "jewelry28",       "pursel", "ITEMS_24",   5, 0.0001,   1,     0,  60,  0.2,   ITEM_TRADE_JEWELRY);
    n = InitStdItem( n,  "jewelry29",       "pursel", "ITEMS_24",   6, 0.0001,   1,     0,  70,  0.2,   ITEM_TRADE_JEWELRY);
    n = InitStdItem( n,  "jewelry30",       "pursel", "ITEMS_24",   7, 0.0001,   1,     0,  50,  0.2,   ITEM_TRADE_JEWELRY);
    n = InitStdItem( n,  "jewelry31",       "pursel", "ITEMS_24",   8, 0.0001,   1,     0,  60,  0.2,   ITEM_TRADE_JEWELRY);
    n = InitStdItem( n,  "jewelry32",       "pursel", "ITEMS_24",   9, 0.0001,   1,     0,  70,  0.2,   ITEM_TRADE_JEWELRY);
    n = InitStdItem( n,  "jewelry33",       "pursel", "ITEMS_24",  10, 0.0001,   1,     0,  50,  0.2,   ITEM_TRADE_JEWELRY);
    n = InitStdItem( n,  "jewelry34",       "pursel", "ITEMS_24",  11, 0.0001,   1,     0,  70,  0.2,   ITEM_TRADE_JEWELRY);
    n = InitStdItem( n,  "jewelry35",       "pursel", "ITEMS_24",  12, 0.0001,   1,     0,  70,  0.2,   ITEM_TRADE_JEWELRY);
    n = InitStdItem( n,  "jewelry36",       "pursel", "ITEMS_24",  13, 0.0001,   1,     0,  50,  0.2,   ITEM_TRADE_JEWELRY);
    n = InitStdItem( n,  "jewelry37",       "pursel", "ITEMS_24",  14, 0.0001,   1,     0,  60,  0.2,   ITEM_TRADE_JEWELRY);
    n = InitStdItem( n,  "jewelry38",       "pursel", "ITEMS_24",  15, 0.0001,   1,     0,  70,  0.2,   ITEM_TRADE_JEWELRY);
    n = InitStdItem( n,  "jewelry39",       "pursel", "ITEMS_24",  16, 0.0001,   1,     0,  80,  0.2,   ITEM_TRADE_JEWELRY);
    // недорогие украшения
    n = InitStdItem( n,  "jewelry40",       "pursel", "ITEMS_25",   1,   0.05,   1,   350,   0,  0.1,   ITEM_TRADE_JEWELRY);
    n = InitStdItem( n,  "jewelry41",       "pursel", "ITEMS_25",   2,   0.05,   1,   300,   0,  0.1,   ITEM_TRADE_JEWELRY);
    n = InitStdItem( n,  "jewelry42",       "pursel", "ITEMS_25",   3,   0.05,   1,   250,   0,  0.1,   ITEM_TRADE_JEWELRY);
    n = InitStdItem( n,  "jewelry43",       "pursel", "ITEMS_25",   4,   0.05,   1,   280,   0,  0.1,   ITEM_TRADE_JEWELRY);
    n = InitStdItem( n,  "jewelry44",       "pursel", "ITEMS_25",   5,   0.10,   1,   170,   0,  0.1,   ITEM_TRADE_JEWELRY);
    n = InitStdItem( n,  "jewelry45",       "pursel", "ITEMS_25",   6,   0.20,   1,   150,   0,  0.1,   ITEM_TRADE_JEWELRY);
    n = InitStdItem( n,  "jewelry46",       "pursel", "ITEMS_25",   7,   0.10,   1,    80,   0,  0.1,   ITEM_TRADE_JEWELRY);
    n = InitStdItem( n,  "jewelry47",       "pursel", "ITEMS_25",   8,   0.20,   1,   130,   0,  0.1,   ITEM_TRADE_JEWELRY);
    n = InitStdItem( n,  "jewelry48",       "pursel", "ITEMS_25",   9,   0.15,   1,   210,   0,  0.1,   ITEM_TRADE_JEWELRY);
    n = InitStdItem( n,  "jewelry49",       "pursel", "ITEMS_25",  10,   0.25,   1,    90,   0,  0.1,   ITEM_TRADE_JEWELRY);
    n = InitStdItem( n,  "jewelry50",       "pursel", "ITEMS_25",  11,   0.10,   1,   140,   0,  0.1,   ITEM_TRADE_JEWELRY);
    n = InitStdItem( n,  "jewelry51",       "pursel", "ITEMS_25",  12,   0.10,   1,   240,   0,  0.1,   ITEM_TRADE_JEWELRY);
    n = InitStdItem( n,  "jewelry52",     "pearlbig", "ITEMS_31",  10,   0.10,   0,    90,   0,  0.3,   ITEM_TRADE_JEWELRY);
    n = InitStdItem( n,  "jewelry53",   "pearlsmall", "ITEMS_31",   9,   0.20,   0,    40,   0,  0.1,   ITEM_TRADE_JEWELRY);
saddly no russian explenation to what is what
so from this got to find:
jade rings or beads
emerald beads
ruby ring

+ somewher flintstone
Can you also try to find Tinchure? Pressing Indian Potions option should give us Ometochli Tincture and Tears of Ixchel in my opinion. Tincture is super usual.
Can you also try to find Tinchure? Pressing Indian Potions option should give us Ometochli Tincture and Tears of Ixchel in my opinion. Tincture is super usual.
ya sure why not doing some proggres so...

Screenshot - 2021-01-23 , 21_22_38.png
i will asume that the requested items are the 4 items on the top, so i will attempt to add those, will test the mode be4 upload

EDIT 2: is currier lugger valid for the regata quest?
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No, it needs to be the regular one
done it a reg lugger added, and all the other stuff as prerequested
and mayby a lil from myself, now testing it and fixing sum typos and some text corrections if i spot any
ofc its only atm TOL, TOL 2 and OCM thay need a lil bit more work so not sure if i make it tonight
So new TOL already packed and rdy for upload what changed:
version 1.6.0
   redone reroll SPECIAL
   added SaS rerolls for SaS mod users
   adeed Scimitar
   added items to option "I need candles, jewlery, mirrors":
       flintstone x5
       mirrors x5
       jade rings x5
       emerald beads x5
       ruby ring x5
       trombone x5
       working chronometer x5
   added ships:
       r5 Lugger
       r3 Pinecce
   added pots to indian drugs:
       Ometochii Tincture
       Tears of Ixchel
       Squall potion
       Sea Hug potion
       Tidal Wave potion
   fixed quick start, removed menu continuation options
Screenshot - 2021-01-23 , 22_55_02.png
Screenshot - 2021-01-23 , 22_57_40.png
Screenshot - 2021-01-23 , 23_10_03.png
Do you need a new game for this update to work due to Iteminit.c changes?
Or what that just due to us swaping the ID's for suits earlier?
And about the Strange Amulet for Caleuche.
Is it not the Strange Amulet that Start the quest? Having more should not inpact the overall quest. (In my head)
When you get the amulet you need to take it to begger/lighthouse etc.
(I might recall wrong tho)

Been trying the idea out. Do look good.

Quest: Caleuche (Part 1)
Difficulty: Trivial
Enemies: none
Time Sensitive: no
Requirements: Finished with Dutch Gambit
Required Items: Strange Amulet, Matchlock Musket
Quest Giver: Random Beggar, Random Indians, Cabins of ships you board.

Added the amulet to my inventory.
Quest log update:
Amulet Quest.JPG
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And about the Strange Amulet for Caleuche.
Is it not the Strange Amulet that Start the quest? Having more should not inpact the overall quest. (In my head)
When you get the amulet you need to take it to begger/lighthouse etc.
(I might recall wrong tho)
the inititems ss's in post earlier where just for reference, to locate the right items ID's, no worries in my mods there are no init files

to strang amulet, actualy when u find it u get allready a:
void Caleuche_StartTotal(string qName) // квест Калеуче
   pchar.questTemp.Caleuche = "Start";

void Caleuche_StartGo(string qName) // этот долбоебизм вызван необходимостью типа не начинать новую игру...
    if (!bAddonContent) return;
    log_testinfo("Квест Калеуче стартовал!!!");
    pchar.questTemp.Caleuche = "Go";
    pchar.questTemp.Caleuche.SeekAmulet = "true";
    if (pchar.questTemp.HWIC.Detector == "self_win" || pchar.questTemp.HWIC.Detector == "holl_win") pchar.questTemp.Caleuche.Skul = "true";
    if (GetCharacterIndex("Landlady") != -1)
        sld = characterFromId("Landlady");
        sld.lifeday = 0;
    // находим
    pchar.quest.Caleuche_find_amulet.win_condition.l1 = "item";                                       <---- this is important
    pchar.quest.Caleuche_find_amulet.win_condition.l1.item = "kaleuche_amulet1";
    pchar.quest.Caleuche_find_amulet.function = "Caleuche_FindFirstAmulet";
    // бухта Хаэль Роа
    int n = Findlocation("KhaelRoa_port");
    locations[n].image = "loading\haelroa.tga";
    locations[n].type = "questisland";
    locations[n].locators_radius.reload.reload2 = 2;
    locations[n].questflower = 1;
    // сюда ставим переменные для храма чавинцев
    // механизм 9 каменных плиток - определим маршрут
    pchar.questTemp.Caleuche.Tile = rand(4);
    switch (sti(pchar.questTemp.Caleuche.Tile))
        case 0: pchar.questTemp.Caleuche.NextTile = "step1"; break;
        case 1: pchar.questTemp.Caleuche.NextTile = "step4"; break;
        case 2: pchar.questTemp.Caleuche.NextTile = "step7"; break;
        case 3: pchar.questTemp.Caleuche.NextTile = "step7"; break;
        case 4: pchar.questTemp.Caleuche.NextTile = "step1"; break;
    // механизм 6 рычагов - определим последовательность
    pchar.questTemp.Caleuche.LeftLevers = rand(4);
    pchar.questTemp.Caleuche.RightLevers = rand(4);
    // ящик Мерримана
    sld = ItemsFromID("MerrimanBook");
    sld.picTexture = "ITEMS_18";
    sld.picIndex = 14;
    sld.model = "BrassBox";
    sld.shown = true;
    sld.Weight = 8.0;
    sld.startLocation = "Havana_CryptDungeon";
    sld.startLocator = "item"+(rand(4)+1);
    // костюм Лампорта
    sld = ItemsFromID("suit4");
    sld.B_CirassLevel = 0.15;
    sld.G_CirassLevel = 0.10;
    DeleteAttribute(sld, "critical");
    // харки калеуче 'без новой игры' - в принципе все равно до конца не работает, но пусть будет
    ref refShip;
    refShip.MaxCaliber                  = 36;
    refShip.Capacity                    = 6000;
    refShip.CannonsQuantity                = 56;
    refShip.CannonsQuantityMin            = 56;
    refShip.rcannon                     = 23;
    refShip.lcannon                     = 23;
    refShip.fcannon                     = 6;
    refShip.bcannon                     = 4;
    refShip.MaxCrew                     = 777;
    refShip.OptCrew                     = 622;
    refShip.MinCrew                     = 94;   
    refShip.SpeedRate                    = 15.2;
    refShip.TurnRate                    = 32.0;
    refShip.Price                       = 100000;
    refShip.HP                          = 6666;

void Caleuche_FindFirstAmulet(string qName) // нашли первый амулет
   DeleteAttribute(pchar, "questTemp.Caleuche.SeekAmulet");
   AddQuestRecord("Caleuche", "1");
   pchar.questTemp.Caleuche = "amulet";
   // определяем знатока амулетов из двух смотрителей
   if (rand(1) == 0) pchar.questTemp.Caleuche.Amuletmaster = "BasTer_Lightman";
   else pchar.questTemp.Caleuche.Amuletmaster = "Santiago_Lightman";
to a solution for starting the quest as to summon the item then giving it to chest and looting it as was earlier in the threat proposed, dont remember if the strange amulet is tagged as quest item and u cant stash it, well in any case i did had an idea for a solution yday, as how to start it propperly...
1st i need to update 2 more mods
Looks to be working.
I will now try to do the whole quest and see if there is an issue with spawning it.

PS: On this is char I have completed Dutch Gambit, before that you will NOT get a quest pop up.

Then go to the Lighthouses to progress.

I just used the "Candle cheat in" and replaced it to test :p
{case "candle1":
Log_Info("Added some candles.");
AddItems(pchar, "kaleuche_amulet1", 1);
Last edited:
Looks to be working.
I will now try to do the whole quest and see if there is an issue with spawning it.

PS: this is a char I have completed Dutch Gambit, before that you will NOT get a quest pop up.
well i was thinking on a solution y day to add a line to officers with parameter/quest check that thay give u the amulet. So the option would be only avalible if u didnt yet started caluche, i did totaly forggoten that the amulet can be obtained aswell via lighthouse keepers and some other way, thought u can only get it from enemy cap chest.
however since lighthouse and some folk can give u the amulet the solution shuld be fairly easy to implement into my mods with proper checks so all will work as intended and no double quest item
didnt yday spend muche time almost noone on the caluche thing, looked only on 1 file and i think i was wrong there but ya i mayby will try to add sum solution into my mods

TY Remi

EDIT: taken a lil peek in the files, well atm cant do anything with my mods so will leave the issue when iv got some more spare time
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well i was thinking on a solution y day to add a line to officers with parameter/quest check that thay give u the amulet. So the option would be only avalible if u didnt yet started caluche, i did totaly forggoten that the amulet can be obtained aswell via lighthouse keepers and some other way, thought u can only get it from enemy cap chest.
however since lighthouse and some folk can give u the amulet the solution shuld be fairly easy to implement into my mods with proper checks so all will work as intended and no double quest item
didnt yday spend muche time almost noone on the caluche thing, looked only on 1 file and i think i was wrong there but ya i mayby will try to add sum solution into my mods

TY Remi

EDIT: taken a lil peek in the files, well atm cant do anything with my mods so will leave the issue when iv got some more spare time

I think we misunderstood each other.
Quest Giver: Random Beggar, Random Indians, Cabins of ships you Attack and board.

Light house people is to continue the quest. I just wanted to see if the spawning of the item broke them or not.
I does not, they work as a charm.

So I guess: You can add it under quest items, just put a note. "you need to finish DUTCH GAMBIT" to progress"

BUT I havent tested IF you spawn kaleuche_amulet1 BEFORE you complete the DUTCH GAMBIT AND then complete the DUTCH GAMBIT if quest updates.
(I do not think the game updates, so I guess you need to spawn the Item 1 more time for it to update... I do not know but maybe)

All I know is that you do not get the quest, if you havent completed teh DUTCH GAMBIT.
ah sry and thx im today semi afk was preping my food so read on fly and its now explains why in lighthouse dialog where not the checks i was looking for
to the duch gambit, ya thats why i want to add the parameter/quest checks to the option so it will work saftly and how it shuld
but now my food is rdy im hungry, chaw time:) well i wcome back to this i think late evening today, so then i will work a lil atleast on updates to OCM and TOL 2 will aswell attempt to incomporate caluche start into them, dont know if there will be enogh time to do it tho.

EDIT: while i was eating an idea came to me, why not give beeger 100% chance that thay will have the amulet for you right, so no unessesery line in my mods that shall work only once. And i dont think ppl often converse with baggers, even so thay have alreadfy caluche check quest in them so once initiated the option then is gone from thai dialog, so now will edit thair file and once it works as intended it will be as a seperat file for download under Patche downloads
Last edited:
ah sry and thx im today semi afk was preping my food so read on fly and its now explains why in lighthouse dialog where not the checks i was looking for
to the duch gambit, ya thats why i want to add the parameter/quest checks to the option so it will work saftly and how it shuld
but now my food is rdy im hungry, chaw time:) well i wcome back to this i think late evening today, so then i will work a lil atleast on updates to OCM and TOL 2 will aswell attempt to incomporate caluche start into them, dont know if there will be enogh time to do it tho.

EDIT: while i was eating an idea came to me, why not give beeger 100% chance that thay will have the amulet for you right, so no unessesery line in my mods that shall work only once. And i dont think ppl often converse with baggers, even so thay have alreadfy caluche check quest in them so once initiated the option then is gone from thai dialog, so now will edit thair file and once it works as intended it will be as a seperat file for download under Patche downloads

"while i was eating an idea came to me, why not give beeger 100% chance that thay will have the amulet for you right,"

Not a bad idea!
That way the random element is removed. I do not understand why it's random even.
Should be 100% until you get it so long you have completed Dutch Gambit.

Atleast in my head, so I like that idea alot.

Hope you enjoyed your food. And poke me if you want me to test anything :p

Caleuche bagger start
Added new file for download, in wchich is the rnd formula for the caluche quest removed,

you still need to meet the quest requirements but as soon as u there then the 1st bagger u talk to will sell u the amulet.
I wont add this option to my mods. It will be as a sepperat download option in patch downloads.

As always all the files and dl links are in post #1:
TEHO: Officer cheat menu v2.2 / Think out loud cheat menu v1.6 / Skill and SPECIAL uncap v1.0

Patch dl link:
"link: MEGA"