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BUILD 14 BETA 3.1 Polish translation

For info about the fonts you should look at C:\POTC\RESOURCE\INI\fonts.ini
There it refers to a tga file and it has coördinates (I think) of the different signs.
Various programs can create disc images in various file formats. ISO files can for example be created with programs such as DAEMON Tools, Nero Burning ROM, and IMG Burn.

About the fonts: Yes, but it seems that file doesn't help much in this case. :shrug
Hello there.
I just recently joined this forum and just started to play on Pirate's Ahoy mod to POTC like 3 days ago. I've been reading some posts and suddenly saw that thread about polish translation. If you still need some help I would gladly help you with that. I don't have any problem with english understanding and whats more I'm from Poland so I know my language ;p To be honest I don't know much about modding/graphic/scripts but if you still need to translate anything just let me know. I've actually finished academy, don't have work yet so I've got a lot of free time.
Welcome Vixor! Like Pieter said it's just GREAT to have additional helper. There's a lot of work to be done yet (dialogues) but it goes forward and who will know, maybe I could manage to finish quicker. GREAT THANKS TO YOU for your willingness. I'll post you a private mesage (PM) in our native language and explain everything, ok? Thank you once again! Dziękuję!:onya:bow:D

Pieter, thanks for the FTP access.
And how to add files there?
BTW, Pieter, would you mind giving @Vixor rights to add files to conversations?
try using the SFTP protocol and make sure you have the information right.
I tried many things with ftp but it seems my computer doesn't like it. I'll use the dropbox instead.
I have now had a look at the stock Polish version and it was interesting. It seems it is based on the Russian version WITH the patch that was made for it. Despite that, it does not have many of the improvements that were made for the English-language European version. Unfortunately, I have bad news:
The text files have special characters in the stock Polish version as well. Here are examples from Malcolm Hatcher's dialogue and from common.ini:
"Wczoraj prosi³ mnie pan, bym przypomnia³ mu o kilku planowanych na dzisiaj rzeczach.",
"Naprawdê? Co to by³o?",
"Pamiêtam wszystko doœæ dobrze. Dziêki.",
"Po pierwsze, proszê wzi¹æ swój ekwipunek. Powinien pan pamiêtaæ, by zawsze mieæ przy sobie swoj¹ szablê, pistolet i lunetê. Kto wie, co siê mo¿e przytrafiæ.",
"Gdzie to wszystko po³o¿y³em?",
; Ships parameters
string = Hull,"Kad³ub"
string = Sails,"¯agle"
string = Crew,"Za³oga"
string = Cannons,"Armaty"
string = Speed,"SzybkoϾ"
string = Maneuver,"ZwrotnoϾ"
string = Max.Caliber,"Maks. tona¿ dzia³"
string = Max.Crew,"Maks. licz. za³ogi"
string = Min.Crew,"Min. licz. za³ogi"
string = Capacity,"£adownoœæ"
string = Rig,"Takielunek"

; Character skills
string = Leadership,"Dowodzenie"
string = Fencing,"Walka"
string = Sailing,"¯eglarstwo"
string = Accuracy,"CelnoϾ"
string = Grappling,"Aborda¿"
string = Repair,"Naprawa"
string = Defence,"Obrona"
string = Commerce,"Handel"
string = Sneak,"Szczêœcie"
string = Free Skill Points,"ZdolnoϾ"
string = Abilities,"Umiejêtnoœci"
If it looks the same for Fjx that means the text apparently has to be typed like this in the code.
But it WORKS like that in stock version, so my native characters must be coded somehow. And if I open these files on my computer, they show up as normal Polish letters, so it hasn't to be typed like this in the code. It just shows different characters because of your Windows language version. I had similar experience in the past with Russian code, but when I changed letters coding of my Windows (in control panel), they did appear correctly. Thanks for checking.

Can everyone of you imagine changing letters 9 times in over 800 files, not me at least. And everything else is going better, though.
Can everyone of you imagine changing letters 9 times in over 800 files, not me at least. And everything else is going better, though.
Global Search and Replace?
Notepad++ can do that in all open files, which could at least speed up that process.