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Notice Build 14 Beta 4: To-Do List

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Pieter Boelen

Navigation Officer
Storm Modder
Hearts of Oak Donator
This thread contains a list of all issues that still must be sorted prior to the Beta 4 public release.

The following are for myself:
DONE: Included in Build - Custom "Dynamic Interfaces" behaviour for Woodes Rogers/The Gold-Bug | PiratesAhoy!
DONE: Fixed - Various Main and Side Quest Issues | PiratesAhoy!
DONE: Fixed - Capture Colonies: Assigning Female Governor | PiratesAhoy!
DONE: Fixed - Updating the Governor Quest Dialog | PiratesAhoy!
DONE: Low Priority - Naval Officer: Receive New Ship after Capsizing | PiratesAhoy!
DONE: Fixed - Coast Raider Captains Receive No Weapons | PiratesAhoy!
DONE: Fixed - Standard Storyline: Second task too hard? | PiratesAhoy!
DONE: High Priority - Renaming the Difficulty Levels | PiratesAhoy!
DONE: Fixed - Replacing Two Loading Screens | PiratesAhoy!
DONE: Poll - Change Evil Stormy Start into Free Play Opening Scenario Choice | PiratesAhoy! (OPTIONAL)
Medium Priority - Malcolm Hatcher's Introduction Dialog | PiratesAhoy! (OPTIONAL)

These are for @Levis:
DONE: Fixed - Officers' salaries in Brave Black Flag | PiratesAhoy!
DONE: Medium Priority - Clearly Indicate Positive/Negative Effects on Skills in Interfaces | PiratesAhoy!
DONE: High Priority - Standard Storyline: Guards Too Tough on First Mission | PiratesAhoy! - Add reset after this quest scene
DONE: High Priority - Improvements to Smuggling Patrol Schedule | PiratesAhoy! - Schedule should be made Toss-able
DONE: Fixed - Problem with coast guards not behaving as they should | PiratesAhoy! - Smugglers/Soldiers should be added to player group to avoid accidental hits
DONE: Fixed - Smuggling: Save On Beach Breaks Getting Caught | PiratesAhoy! - "From Sea Chance" to be used
DONE: Confirmed Bug - Levelling: Error.log Entries Cause Stuttering at Sea | PiratesAhoy!
DONE: Fix in Progress - Levelling: Error.log Entries due to Missing Attributes | PiratesAhoy!
DONE: Planned Feature - Change way shared XP works | PiratesAhoy!
DONE: Confirmed Bug - Ability overview doesn't take realism settings in account | PiratesAhoy!
DONE: Confirmed Bug - Officers don't follow you in Cartagena Town (church part) | PiratesAhoy!
Fix in Progress - Level of boarding enemies | PiratesAhoy! (OPTIONAL)
WIP - Improve Baldewyn Coffier & Arnaud/Sabine Matton Sidequests | Page 2 | PiratesAhoy! - "Passenger" option for officers to be restored (OPTIONAL)
Feature Request - Correctly Link NPC Ship Tier with Captain Rank | PiratesAhoy! (OPTIONAL)
WIP - Ingame explanation officer system | PiratesAhoy! (OPTIONAL)
Apothecary Quest (OPTIONAL)
Optimalization | PiratesAhoy! (OPTIONAL)

For other modders:
DONE: Fix in Progress - Random Sailors Sit Tavern Dialog: Various Errors | PiratesAhoy! by @morgan terror
DONE: Fix in Progress - Quest Officer Salaries | PiratesAhoy! - Sabine Matton skills and salary should make sense by @pedrwyth and @Levis
DONE: Fix "CastelF" ship model by @Hylie Pistof and @Armada
DONE: Fixed - Several Ships with Missing Interface Pictures | PiratesAhoy! by @Grey Roger
DONE: Medium Priority - Looting Muskets with Bayonets | PiratesAhoy! by @Jack Rackham
DONE: Planned Feature - Jack Sparrow Storyline: Rewrite "Hylie Pistof" Tavern Owner Dialog | PiratesAhoy! by @Mirsaneli and @Jack Rackham

Plus nasty, obnoxious, inconsistent and therefore potentially hard-to-fix issues:
Confirmed Bug - Captured ships regain full health on Capture Screen | PiratesAhoy!
Unconfirmed Bug - Captured Captains loosing reputation | PiratesAhoy!
DONE: Unconfirmed Bug - All Perks Unlocked with Promotion | PiratesAhoy!
Needs Testing - Game Stability Issues | PiratesAhoy!
Awaiting Info - Sea Battles: Crash for virtual function call | PiratesAhoy!
Confirmed Bug - 3D Sailing Mode: Flag-related Error Log | PiratesAhoy!

Anything else I'd consider a bonus. :cheeky
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Created the above post so everybody can see where our current priorities lie.
Opening post updated again with some more To-Do list items for several people.
Status Check:
I've slowly been getting stuff on my To-Do List completed this week, but I'm not done yet.
Some of the more annoying ones are still to be tackled.

In the meantime, @Levis has a bunch of small outstanding issues still left AND a couple of larger ones.
Plus some stuff by @morgan terror, @Mirsaneli and @pedrwyth for which I do not know the current status.

I wanted to make a brand new HUGE archive with a (semi-)final Beta 4 version this weekend.
But we're not going to get all the above tackled within the next 24 hours, are we?
Which means there is no point yet in me doing the big job this week.

So once again, we've got ourselves some more delays. "Close, but no cigar", as they say. :(

I do still want to at least make a new regular EXE this weekend.
Any content to be included in that needs to be posted WITHIN the next 24 hours.
My intention is to make this on Saturday evening so that it will be posted at the latest by Sundan afternoon.
I had some delays because of private problems.
I will try to upload every thing I have on saturday evening. I hope I can get as much done as possible.
My aim is now to have everything I still need to do done before tuesday.
Pieter I have many files but the new arrow thing is so unfinished that I'll not upload anything now.
Next week would be better. :type1
Thanks @Mirsaneli. Indeed it is just some regular text, so it should not take long to rewrite.

@Jack Rackham: If you have exclusively your fixes for looting, that would be the only thing I'd like to include for testing as soon as possible.
Anything else would be bonus and can wait.
But if that isn't easy to arrange for you, it has been a bit bugged for months now; surely it can wait a week longer. :doff
Ok, here are 2 small fixes then:
Looting "blademuskets" now changes to muskets.
Blademuskets didn't reset to muskets.

I think these issues may have been related.


  • JRH fixes 16-01-09.7z
    38 KB · Views: 183
Opening post updated again with the latest status. We're getting closer and closer! :cheers
Here is my stuff:
Mod Release - Levis' Stuff [Jan 9] | PiratesAhoy!

Like I said due to some problems I couldn't do as much as I hoped Tomorrow I'm going to fix at least the first 4 on my list (after the complete ones) and finish the quest. Monday I have planned to finish up the rest with maybe the officer tutorial not yet.
@Levis: I think at least some of the issues assigned to you in the opening post are probably five-minute fixes for you.
If you get the chance, I'd quite like to include those in this weekend's EXE. So I'll probably compile and upload it tomorrow afternoon.
I just need to say that I have been doing other things for the last 2 days. I installed a new motherboard and have been getting it set up. Now it is a faster and quieter rig.
I just need to say that I have been doing other things for the last 2 days. I installed a new motherboard and have been getting it set up. Now it is a faster and quieter rig.
No worries. I may do a slight experiment myself if I can find the time tomorrow, using @Armada's updated reys*.
I already know she no longer crashes the game without them. But what about WITH them and no locators?
We'll get it before the Beta 4 public release, I'm sure. :onya

* = Dammit, I can't use that word anymore without thinking of Star Wars now! :duel:
@Levis: I think at least some of the issues assigned to you in the opening post are probably five-minute fixes for you.
If you get the chance, I'd quite like to include those in this weekend's EXE. So I'll probably compile and upload it tomorrow afternoon.
Sorry I'm just home again so I couldn't do it.
Will try to get as much done as possible today and tomorrow.
Tomorrow evening I will upload all my stuff again. Now first I'm going to update my game again so I know for sure I've got the most recent stuff :). Oh and thanks for fixing those errors, I indeed made some typos. I had to change something last minute (I accedently had it to an other attribute then I said before so I had to change that and I must have changed to much XD ).
Cheers, @Levis! :cheers

I had to change something last minute (I accedently had it to an other attribute then I said before so I had to change that and I must have changed to much XD ).
Just so you know, I changed it everywhere to "quest.NoRaise" in the version I uploaded.
It should at least make internal sense at the moment, but again, you should probably check it.

@pedrwyth and me were also thinking of replacing it with a "passenger" attribute of some kind (similar to the "prisoned" one).
But not sure yet if and how that should be done.
Updated the first post again.
I do have 2 "simple" requests which done involve coding.
For the house of the old captain from the officer tutorial and the new "hotel" location in cartagena we need loading pictures. If someone could make those that would save me some time.
There should be a template somewhere for the text etc. Maybe @Armada or @Jack Rackham knows where.
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